=Bridge cameras are known for the overwhelming digital zoom they offer. Bridge cameras are simply digital cameras that look like a DSLR to a newbie. However, they are different in many aspects. Most of these cameras do not offer interchangeable lenses. The zoom range of these in-built lenses is comparatively higher compared to standard DSLR mount lenses.Like most of the digital cameras, they provide excellent manual control and come with a viewfinder. With that said, you can define bridge cameras as a midpoint between DSLR and point and shoot cameras.
Also Read: Best Budget DSLR Cameras Under 30000 Rupees in India
These cameras are best known for the extensive amount of optical zoom they offer other than anything else. Some of them even offer up to 83x optical zoom!Besides some standard features, these cameras come in a wide variety, which makes it tough to categorize them and to choose the right product for your needs. Following is a detailed list of Top Superzoom Bridge Cameras that might help you to pick the right product for your photography kit:
Top Superzoom Bridge Cameras
Before we go into the details, here is a quick reference table below:
Panasonic Lumix FZ72:
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The F72 is simply the international version of FZ70. Despite being of the cheapest bridge cameras, it offers a vast zoom range with a 20mm equivalent wide-angle focal length. Raw format recording, exceptional image quality, and full manual control make it a perfect enthusiast and beginner-level digital camera. You will need to switch between EVF and the rear display manually, as is no eye sensor, something that we expect at this price point. Here are some important specs:
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1/2.3 inch CMOS sensor with16.1 MP sensor resolution |
Lens | 20-1200mm lens withf/2.8 – 5.9 aperture |
Zoom | 60x Optical Zoom2x Digital Zoom |
Display /Viewfinder | 3 inch fixed screen with460,000 dotsComes with an EVF |
Max. Shooting Rate | 9 fps in continuous shooting mode |
Max. Shooting Resolution | Capable of recording full HD 1080p resolution videos |
Dimension | 3.82 x 4.65 x 5.12 inches |
Weight | 2.1 pounds |
User Level | BeginnerEnthusiast |
Panasonic Lumix FZ82:
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If you got a bit higher budget, you could consider FZ82 instead of FZ72 from Panasonic Lumix. It delivers an excellent zooming experience with a 20mm-1200mm lens. It records full 4K resolution movies. Moreover, this affordable bridge cam can also shoot 8MP images at 30fps. The intuitive display makes the operations a bit easy to handle. Like FZ72, it does not feature an eye sensor. Compared to some expensive cams with a large sensor, the ISO quality can be better. But again, it’s made for entry-level users. Here is a quick look:
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1/2.3 inch CMOS sensor with18.1 MP sensor resolution |
Lens | 20-1200mm lens withf/2.8 – 5.9 aperture |
Zoom | 60x Optical Zoom |
Display /Viewfinder | 3-inch touchscreen display with1,040,000 dotsComes with an EVF |
Max. Shooting Rate | 10 fps in continuous shooting mode |
Max. Shooting Resolution | Supports full 4K resolution while shooting movies |
Dimension | 3.71 x 5.13 x 4.69 inches |
Weight | 1.36 pounds |
User Level | BeginnerEnthusiast |
Sony CyberShot HX400V:
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There aren’t many differences in Panasonic’s FZ72 and Sony’s CyberShot HX400V rather than price and a bit low zoom range. However, this one offers Wi-Fi connectivity, unlike the FZ72. The tilting screen is another plus. It does not articulate fully, but titling is enough for easing many tasks and hard angle shots. Despite not supporting RAW image capturing support, it delivers excellent color quality and details in JPEG images. Here is an overview:
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1/2.3 inch CMOS sensor with20.4 MP sensor resolution |
Lens | 24/1200mm lens withf/2.8 – 6.3 aperture |
Zoom | 50x Optical Zoom50x Digital Zoom |
Display /Viewfinder | 3-inch tilting screen with922,000 dotsComes with a viewfinder |
Max. Shooting Rate | 10 fps in continuous shooting mode |
Max. Video Resolution | Records full HD 1080p resolution movies |
Dimension | 3.67 x 4.06 x 5.1 inches |
Weight | 1.46 pounds |
User Level | BeginnerEnthusiasts |
Nikon Coolpix B700:
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B700 is an upgraded version of popular B610 and overcomes many flows of that older version. Firstly, it now captures raw files to use the sensor to the fullest, unlike B610. The resolution is upgraded to 20MP from 16MP. 60x zooming capabilities is a great plus here. We recommend not going up more than ISO800 to maintain image quality. However, night/dark scene shots look good at ISO1600. The articulating screen is there to help you in the tough situation, plus EVF features an eye sensor that turns the display off automatically. Here is a quick look at specs:
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1/2.3 inch CMOS sensor with20.3 MP sensor resolution |
Lens | 24-1440mm lens withf/3.3-6.5 aperture |
Zoom | 60x Optical Zoom |
Display /Viewfinder | 3-inch articulating display with 921,000 dotsFeatures an EVF |
Max. Shooting Rate | 7 fps in continuous shooting mode |
Max. Shooting Resolution | Captures videos at full 4K resolution |
Dimension | 12 x 10.2 x 6.5 inches |
Weight | 4.2 pounds |
User Level | BeginnerEnthusiast |
Canon PowerShot SX60 HS:
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Thanks to the smaller 1/2.3 inch sensor, this conventional camera is capable of delivering a 65x zoom range. If you think it’s expensive, think again! For the price, you are getting full manual control, the ability to shoot in raw format, articulating display, and a good quality EVF too! Moreover, it comes with Wi-Fi and NFC connectivity. Quite inexpensive, isn’t it? The only flaw is that it does not feature an eye sensor. There is a little noise in extremely dark conditions, which can be overcome with proper manual settings. Have a quick look here:
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1/2.3 inch sensor with16.1 MP sensor resolution |
Lens | 21-1365mm equivalent lensF3.4 – 6.5 aperture |
Zoom | 65x Optical Zoom260x Digital Zoom |
Display /Viewfinder | 3-inch articulating display with922,000 dotsComes with EVF |
Max. Shooting Rate | 6.4 fps in continuous shooting mode |
Max. Shooting Resolution | Capable of shooting full HD 1080p resolution movies |
Dimension | 10.2 x 8.4 x 6.8 inches |
Weight | 3.5 pounds |
User Level | BeginnerEnthusiast |
Sony CyberShot HX300:
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This can be a good alternative to Sony’s HX400V. It delivers good enough, 50x optical zoom with Exmor R sensor, and 20.4MP sufficient sensor resolution. Like HX400V, HX300 also comes with full manual control, which includes a zooming ring around the lens as well. Since it is going to be cheaper than HX400V [in this list it costly because you are getting additional kit along with the original product, there would be many minor fallbacks, including no Geo-tagging, Wi-Fi, etc. Here is a quick look:
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1/2.3 inch CMOS sensor with20.4 MP sensor resolution |
Lens | 24-1200mm lens withf/2.8 – 6.3 aperture |
Zoom | 50x Optical Zoom4x Digital Zoom |
Display /Viewfinder | 3-inch tilting screen with922,000 dotsFeatures an EVF |
Max. Shooting Rate | 10 fps in continuous shooting mode |
Max. Shooting Resolution | Capable of recording movies in full HD 1080p resolution |
Dimension | 7.3 x 5.9 x 5.5 inches |
Weight | 2.1 pounds |
User Level | BeginnerEnthusiast |
Nikon Coolpix P900:
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The Nikon Coolpix P900 is our Top Superzoom Bridge Cameras with the maximum zoom. Do you prefer Nikon products over Canon ones? Well, this one is a good alternative for Canon’s 60. Coolpix P900 delivers 83x optical zoom, making it one of the best bridge cameras possessing the largest zoom range on the earth. With such capability, come some flaws. Due to such a large lens, the body is comparatively bigger and more substantial compared to Nikon’s P610, which shares similar features to this one. It comes with NFC and Wi-Fi connectivity and features an articulating screen. Here is a quick overview:
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1/2.3 inch CMOS sensor with16 MP sensor resolution |
Lens | 24-2000mm lens withf/2.8 – 6.5 aperture |
Zoom | 83x Optical Zoom166x Dynamic Fine Zoom332x Digital Zoom |
Display /Viewfinder | 3-inch articulating display with921,000 dotsFeatures a viewfinder |
Max. Shooting Rate | 7 fps in continuous shooting mode |
Max. Shooting Resolution | Capable of recording full HD 1080p resolution movies |
Dimension | 4.06 x 5.39 x 5.51 inches |
Weight | 1.98 pounds |
User Level | Enthusiast |
Panasonic Lumix FZ1000:
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This one is our top superzoom bridge camera for its impressive picture quality. This cam delivers a 16x optical zoom that is certainly lower than any typical bridge camera. It is due to the smaller 1-inch sensor. Despite harming the zoom capability, this sensor helps it to deliver comparatively enhanced image quality. The lens aperture goes as narrow as f/4, allowing the camera to capture low-light shots without noise/distortion and without requiring going up in ISO. The quality is pushed even further with a Hybrid 5-axis image stabilizer. It records movies in full 4K resolution. Here are some specs:
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1.0 inch CMOS sensor with20.1 MP sensor resolution |
Lens | 25-400mm lens withf/2.8 – 4.0 aperture |
Zoom | 16x Optical Zoom4x Digital Zoom |
Display /Viewfinder | 3-inch articulating display with921,000 dotsComes with an EVF |
Max. Shooting Rate | 12 fps in continuous shooting mode |
Max. Shooting Resolution | Records movies at 4K resolution |
Dimension | 6.5 x 14.8 x 27.1 inches |
Weight | 5.7 pounds |
User Level | IntermediateExpert |
Panasonic Lumix FZ2500:
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Don’t get angry on the price tag, as we consider it the best in the list. It comes with a 1-inch sensor. It delivers a 20x optical zoom equivalent to 480mm. You may think that it is low compared to many low-budget cameras on the list, but there is plenty more to it. By sacrificing some zoom range, you get enhanced image quality with the 1-inch sensor. Moreover, you will be treated with better and faster optic performance. Here is a quick overview:
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1.0 inch CMOS sensor with20.1 MP sensor resolution |
Lens | 24-480 mm lens withf/2.8 – 4.5 aperture |
Zoom | 20x optical zoom |
Display /Viewfinder | 3.0-inch articulating display with1,040,000 dotsComes with an EVF |
Max. Shooting Rate | 12 fps in continuous shooting mode |
Max. Shooting Resolution | Supports 4K shooting resolution max |
Dimension | 4.01 x 5.42 x 5.3 inches |
Weight | 2.13 pounds |
User Level | IntermediateExpert |
Sony Cyber-Shot RX10 III:
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It is the Top Superzoom Bridge Cameras for its ultimate picture quality, provided you have the budget for it. It is an upgraded version of RX 10 II. It comes with an improved zoom range of 24-600mm. It comes with the variable aperture of f/2.4-4. It is quite considerable since you are getting an enhanced zoom range in return. A smaller 1-inch sensor with 20.2 MP resolution helps in achieving enhanced details. It delivers decent ISO performance. Compared to the older model, it is quite heavy. Yet, handling is quite good, and it feels like holding a DSLR. It is capable of capturing 4K movies. The only thing where it is beaten up by Lumix FZ2500 is the price tag. Here is a glance at specs:
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1.0-inch sensor with20.2 MP sensor resolution |
Lens | 24-600mm lens withf/2.4 – 4.0 aperture |
Zoom | 25x Optical Zoom100x Digital Zoom |
Display /Viewfinder | 3-inch tilting display with1.23 million dotsComes with EVF |
Max. Shooting Rate | 14 fps in continuous shooting mode |
Max. Shooting Resolution | Records up to 4K resolution movies |
Dimension | 6.34 x 6.46 x 8.39 inches |
Weight | 2.41 pounds |
User Level | IntermediateExpert |
11. Sony RX10 IV
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A successor to Sony RX10 III, the camera is one of the excellent options for the all in one solution. A highly flexible option with a 24-600mm f/2.4-4 zoom lens, the camera is equipped with the overhauled autofocus system. One step ahead from the RX10 III, the camera provides you access to a 315 point phase-detection autofocus system. The introduction to the touch screen is yet another added advantage. The 24 fps burst shooting feature is yet another added advantage.
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1in
20.1MP |
Lens | 24-600mm (Equiv)
f/2.4-4 |
Zoom | 25x |
Display /Viewfinder | EVF, 2.36million dots |
Max. Shooting Rate | 24fps |
Max. Shooting Resolution | 4K UHD 2160p |
Dimension | 5.22 x 3.7 x 5.02 in |
Weight | 2.32 pounds |
12. Canon PowerShot SX70 HS
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This is one of the close competitors to Panasonic FZ 82. You will get access to a slightly higher maximum zoom level. The 65X optical zoom is one of the massive plus points that makes it one of the excellent options. A maximum wide angle of 21 mm offers you a truly versatile performance. This can be an excellent choice for those of you who shoot beautiful landscapes. The camera has been observed to provide you an exceptional level of macro photography.
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1/2.3in
20.3MP |
Lens | 21-1365mm (equiv.)
f/3.4-6.5 |
Zoom | 65x |
Display /Viewfinder | 3in articulating, 922k dots
EVF, 2,360k dots |
Max. Shooting Rate | 24fps |
Max. Shooting Resolution | 4K UHD |
Dimension | 4.6 x 5 x 3.6 in |
Weight | 1.36 pounds |
13. Nikon P950
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If you are looking for an outright zoom functionality, the Nikon P950 should be one of the exceptional choices ever. It is proof of the attempt on the part of the manufacturer to reach a position of an outstanding superzoom player ever. You can also experience a dual detect optical VR option ever. Faster autofocus sped is yet another excellent option ever that makes it an excellent choice for your needs.
Price | Check on Amazon |
Sensor | 1/2.3in
16MP |
Lens | 24-2000mm (equiv.)
f/2.8-6.5 |
Zoom | 83x |
Display /Viewfinder | 3in articulating, 921k dots
EVF, 2,360k dots |
Max. Shooting Rate | 7fps |
Max. Shooting Resolution | 4K UHD 30p |
Dimension | 5.6 x 5.9 x 4.4 in |
Weight | |
We hope you like our list of the Top Superzoom Bridge Cameras currently available in the market. If you have any questions or comments, please use the comment box below. Cheers!