Comparing CCD vs CMOS Sensor – What’s the difference?

When a network camera captures an image, the light passes across the lens and impinges on the image sensor. In addition, the image sensor also contains picture elements known as pixels which record the amount of light that falls on them.These pixels transform the received light into a relevant number of electrons. The intensity of the light is proportional to the number of electrons generated. These electrons are converted into voltage and subsequently transformed into numbers through an A/D-converter. Consequently, the signal created by the numbers is processed through electronic circuits within the camera.

Overview of image sensors:

The original argument a decade ago for the renewal of CMOS image sensors as a competitor to CCD technology was generally based on several ideas:1- Lithography and operation control in CMOS fabrication had reached tiers that soon would allow CMOS sensor image quality to rival CCDs.2 – Integration of companion functions on the same die as the image sensor, creating camera-on-a-chip or SoC (system-on-a-chip) capabilities.3 – Reduced power consumption.4 – Decreased imaging system size because of integration and reduced power consumption.5 – Using the identical CMOS production lines as mainstream logic and memory device fabrication, delivering economies of scale for CMOS imager manufacturing.Currently, two key technologies are prevalent for the image sensor in a camera. They are CMOS (Complementary Metal-oxide Semiconductor) and CCD (Charge-coupled Device). The following sections explain their design and varied strengths and weaknesses.
Initial Prediction for CMOSTwistOutcome CMOS vs. CCD
Equivalence to CCD in image performanceRequired much greater process adaptation and deeper submicron lithography than initially thoughtHigh performance is available in both technologies today, but with higher development costs in most CMOS than CCD technologies.
On-chip circuit integrationLonger development cycles, increased cost, trade-offs with noise, flexibility during operationGreater integration in CMOS than CCD, but companion ICs still often required with both
Economies of scale from using mainstream logic and memory foundriesExtensive process development and optimization requiredLegacy logic and memory production lines are commonly used for CMOS imager production today, but with highly adapted processes akin to CCD fabrication
Reduced power consumptionSteady progress for CCDs diminished the margin of improvement for CMOSCMOS ahead of CCDs
Reduced imaging subsystem sizeOptics, companion chips, and packaging are often the dominant factors in imaging subsystem size.Comparable

Color filtering:

Image sensors record the amount of light from the bright to the dark region with no color information. Because CCD and CMOS image sensors are ‘color blind,’ a filter at the front of the sensor enables the sensor to allocate color tones to every pixel.In this context, two widespread color registration techniques are CMYG (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Green) and RGB (Red, Green, and Blue). Red, green, and blue are the primary colors, which, when combined in varied combinations, can generate the majority of the colors visible to the human eye.The Bayer array represents the alternating rows of green-blue and red-green filters. It is the ubiquitous RGB color filter. Because the human eye is more sensitive to green color compared to the other two colors, the Bayer array features twice as many green color filters. It implies that when using the Bayer array, the human eye can sense more detail than when all the three colors were used in identical measures in the filter.An alternate method to filter or record color is to use complementary colors, i.e., cyan, magenta, and yellow. Frequently, the complementary color filters on sensors are merged with green filters to create a CMYG color array. Generally, the CMYG system provides higher pixel signals owing to its broader spectral bandpass.But, the signals should be subsequently transformed into RGB because this is used in the final image. The conversion indicates added noise and more processing. The outcome is that the initial gain in the signal-to-noise is decreased. Note that the CMYG system is not so efficient at accurately presenting colors.Usually, the CMYG color array is used in interlaced CCD image sensors. On the other hand, the RGB system is prominently used in progressive scan image sensors.

CCD technology:

In a CCD sensor, the light impinges on the sensor’s pixels and is conveyed from the chip via one output node or merely a few output nodes. These charges are then transformed into voltage levels, buffered, and delivered as an analog signal. The particular signal is finally amplified and converted to numbers through an A/D-converter exterior to the sensor.Specifically, the CCD technology was developed to be used in cameras. For over 30 years, the CCD sensors have been utilized. Conventionally, these sensors offered some benefits compared to the CMOS sensors, including less noise and improved light sensitivity. However, these differences have vanished in recent years.The limitations of CCD sensors are that analog components need more electronic circuitry exterior to the sensor. Also, their production is costly and can consume up to 100 times more power than CMOS sensors. Due to the increased power consumption, there can be heat concerns in the camera. This not only influences image quality negatively but also raises the cost and environmental effect of the product.Also, CCD sensors need a higher data rate because everything has to pass through only one output amplifier or some output amplifiers.

CMOS technology:

In the beginning, ordinary CMOS chips were deployed for imaging purposes. But the output showed poor image quality because of their inferior light sensitivity. The contemporary CMOS sensors implement a more dedicated technology. Moreover, the light sensitivity and quality of the sensors have quickly augmented in recent years.CMOS chips provide various advantages. Contrasting the CCD sensor, the CMOS chip includes A/D-converters and amplifiers, reducing the camera expense because it comprises all the logic required to generate an image. All CMOS pixel comprises conversion electronics.Compared to CCD sensors, CMOS sensors feature better integration possibilities and more functionality. But, this inclusion of circuitry within the chip poses a risk of more structured noise like stripes and other patterns. Moreover, CMOS sensors come with higher noise immunity, lower power consumption, a faster readout, and a smaller system size.Calibrating a CMOS sensor in production (if needed) can be more challenging than calibrating a CCD sensor. However, technological advancement has made CMOS sensors easier to calibrate. Some of them are currently self-calibrating too.It is allowed to read individual pixels from a CMOS sensor. This enables ‘windowing,’ which suggests that it is possible to read out the parts of the sensor area rather than the whole sensor area at once.Consequently, a higher frame rate can be conveyed from a restricted part of the sensor; digital PTZ (pan/tilt/zoom) functionalities can also be used. With a CMOS sensor, it is also possible to obtain multi-view streaming that enables various cropped view areas to be simultaneously streamed from the sensor, ultimately simulating some ‘virtual cameras.’

HDTV and megapixel sensors:

HDTV and Megapixel technology allows network cameras to deliver higher resolution video images compared to analog CCTV cameras. This aspect implies that they expand the possibility of observing details and recognizing objects and people. This is a major consideration in video surveillance applications.An HDTV or megapixel network camera provides a minimum of twice as high a resolution as a conventional, analog CCTV camera. Megapixel sensors are fundamental components in HDTV, megapixel, and multi-megapixel cameras. They can be used to present very detailed images as well as multi-view streaming.Megapixel CMOS sensors are extensively available and usually less expensive compared to megapixel CCD sensors. However, there are myriad examples of costly CMOS sensors.It is tough to create a fast-megapixel CCD sensor. It is a disadvantage and increases the complexity of developing a multi-megapixel camera through CCD technology.Many megapixel camera sensors are usually identical in size to the VGA sensors, with a resolution of 640×480 pixels. A megapixel sensor includes more pixels than a VGA sensor. Therefore, the size of every pixel in a megapixel sensor converts smaller than that in a VGA sensor.Consequently, a megapixel sensor is usually less light sensitive per pixel than a VGA sensor. The reason is the pixel size is smaller, and the light reflected from an object spreads to more pixels. But, this technology is swiftly enhancing megapixel sensors. Furthermore, the performance in context to light sensitivity is continuously improving.

Key differences:

A CMOS sensor includes A/D-converters, amplifiers, and circuitry for extra processing. On the other hand, in a camera equipped with a CCD sensor, several signal processing functions are carried out exterior to the sensor.A CMOS sensor permits multi-view streaming and windowing, which can’t be accomplished with a CCD sensor. Generally, a CCD sensor has one charge-to-voltage converter in each sensor. On the other hand, a CMOS sensor has one charge-to-voltage converter in each pixel. Due to the faster readout, a CMOS sensor is more suitable for use in multi-megapixel cameras.The latest technology advancements have eliminated the difference in light sensitivity between a CMOS and CCD sensor at a specified price point.

Detailed Comparison of CCD and CMOS sensors:

i. System Integration:

Being an old technology with a CCD sensor, it is impossible to integrate peripheral components like ADC and timers into the primary sensor. Hence, additional circuitry is required, increasing the CCD sensors’ overall size. Furthermore, specialized fabrication techniques are used in making CCD sensors, so it is expensive technology.The camera can be incorporated into the chip or system in CMOS sensors. Hence, the CMOS sensors are very compact.

ii. Power Consumption:

CCD sensors feature higher power consumption compared to CMOS sensors due to the capacitive architecture. Various types of power supplies are required for the varied timing clocks. The typical voltage for the CCD sensors falls in the range of 7 V to 10 V.CMOS sensors offer low power consumption compared to CCD sensors because it needs a single power supply. The range of typical voltage is usually 3.3 V to 5 V. So, for the application wherein power consumption is the key criterion, the CMOS sensor is preferable to the CCD sensor.Since CMOS sensors feature a lower power consumption compared to CCD image sensors, the temperature within the camera can be maintained lower. Moreover, heat issues with CCD sensors can enhance interference. On the other hand, CMOS sensors can have higher structured noise.

iii. Processing Speed:

CCD sensor always needs to read out the entire image, resulting in less processing speed. It is possible to increase it using the multiple shift registers. However, this will demand additional hardware.In the CMOS sensor, the readout for the particular area of an image is possible; therefore, its speed is higher than the CCD sensor. This speed can be further increased by utilizing the multiple column select lines. Note that the dynamic range of the CCD sensor is considerably higher than the CMOS sensor.

iv. Image distortion:

A blooming effect is visible when a CCD sensor is exposed for an extended period. With the anti-blooming technique, this blooming effect can be reduced.In a CCD sensor, all the pixels are exposed at once. Hence, if you intend to eliminate the rolling shutter effect, all the pixels must be exposed at the same time. This is called the global shutter effect. So, these days, the CMOS sensors are equipped with global sensors. Since the entire frame is captured at once, there are no wobble, skew, smear, or partial exposure effects.The most common kind of distortion in CMOS sensors is the rolling shutter. This is because, in the CMOS sensor, the pixels are read line by line. Hence, whenever any quickly moving object gets captured by this CMOS sensor, the rolling shutter effect becomes significantly noticeable.All portions of a frame are not captured at a time but separately. Subsequently, all parts are showcased at once. As a result, it may add a time lag in frames. So, the images may wobble or undergo a skew effect. But, the high-end CMOS cameras contain more efficient sensors.

v. Noise and Sensitivity:

CMOS sensors have more noise owing to the higher dark currents. The reason is the charge to voltage converter circuit and amplification circuit is incorporated into the same pixel. Hence, the overall fill factor of the CMOS sensor is lesser than the CCD sensor. Consequently, the sensitivity of the CMOS sensor will be lesser than that of the CCD sensor.In the CMOS sensor, the amplifiers used in every pixel are different. Due to that, we will notice the non-uniform amplification, which would behave as additional noise. However, the technology of this CMOS sensor has progressed so much that the sensitivity and noise of this CMOS sensor are identical to the CCD sensor.

vi. Construction:

CCD chips register the pixels (whenever light strikes) on the chip and subsequently send these pixels one by one. Hence, the time required for transmitting the pixels for one image increases. Because of continuous fetching and sending activities, the chip consumes a lot of power.In CMOS sensor chips, the sensors themselves have plenty of inbuilt circuitry. This allows reading the pixels at the photo sensor level itself. The detailed data is sent all at once. Hence, there is no time lag, and less energy will be consumed due to this activity.

vii. Vertical Streaking:

When the CCD sensor-based cameras are used in video or live mode, they demonstrate vertical streaking. In these images, a bright vertical line is formed. Because plenty of analog sensors exist in a row, the current that overflows one of the sensors will leak to the entire row. Hence, it creates a vertical line. But, in other modes, CCD sensors don’t exhibit such characteristics.There are no such concerns in CMOS sensors because every circuit is completely isolated from the remaining circuits on the chip.

viii. Image quality:

CCD sensors boast lower noise levels since their layout enables more pixels to be recorded over their surface. Therefore, the colors of the captured images are more vibrant. As a result, it enhances the image quality.Conversely, due to their layout, CMOS sensors can’t accommodate more pixels over their surface. Hence, images will have low resolution, which negatively influences image quality.Because the CCD technology is more advanced than the CMOS technology, the image quality is better. But the drawback of the technology is its higher power consumption and streaking issues.

ix. Application:

CCD sensors are widely used in DSLR cameras. Conversely, due to lower cost and longer battery life, CMOS sensors are extensively used in mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, etc.

CCD vs CMOS Sensor:

ParametersCCD SensorCMOS Sensor
ResolutionUp to 100+ MPSensor elements’ size restricts resolutionMore than 100 MP supported
Frame rateBest for lower frame ratesBest for higher frame rates
Color depthHigher (16+ bits is standard for expensive CCDs)Lower (12-16 bits is standard)
Responsivity and linearityLower responsivity, wider linear rangeHigher responsivity, lower linear range (will saturate early)
Limit of detectionLow (more sensitive at low intensity)High (less sensitive at low intensity)
Noise figureLower noise floor leads to higher image qualityHigher noise floor leads to lower image quality


CCD and CMOS sensors feature unique benefits. Both these technologies are rapidly evolving. The best suitable strategy for a camera manufacturer is to assess and test sensors for every camera being developed constantly. Subsequently, whether a selected sensor is based on CMOS or CCD becomes irrelevant. So, the only focus is the sensor that can be utilized to build a network camera that conveys the expected image quality and meets the customers’ video surveillance needs.You can use a CCD sensor to benefit from better image quality and lower cost. You can use a CMOS sensor to help from faster readout speed, low power consumption, lower noise, longer battery life, and no time lag.

Samsung ISOCELL vs ISOCELL Plus – What’s the difference?

The latest ISOCELL Plus camera sensors from Samsung are all set to convey enhanced color accuracy, light sensitivity, and added light gathering capacity in smartphone camera technology. These improvements result from replacing the metal barriers among pixels with walls prepared from a new material.
Also Read: Exhaustive List of Sony Exmor R, RS Sensors
Smartphone consumers can expect even more precise and clearer photos in dim light environments. CMOS image sensors will be implemented with the optimized pixel isolation technology to fetch these improvements.In this context, Samsung states that the latest technology will lead to enhanced super-resolution mobile cameras. Although Samsung’s ISOCELL technology is a standard installation in smartphone sensors, it has announced the launch of its latest ISOCELL Plus technology. This technology guarantees enhanced color accuracy and light sensitivity from forthcoming smartphone cameras.
Related: Samsung ISOCELL HMX vs IMX686 – Specs Comparison
In the existing ISOCELL camera sensors, there is a physical metal barrier between pixels. The purpose of including this barrier is to decrease color cross-talk. However, the metal barrier poses a side-effect of reflecting or absorbing incoming light, which leads to reduced photo quality.In the prevailing pixel structure, metal grids are created over the photodiodes to decrease interference between the pixels. This can also cause some optical loss as metals reflect and/or absorb the entering light. With the launch of the ISOCELL Plus, Samsung elevates the pixel isolation technology to a new level via optimized pixel architecture.
Image Source: Samsung
Essentially, the ISOCELL Plus technology substitutes that metal barrier with a fresh material developed by Fujifilm. This improves the photo quality by decreasing absorption/reflection and optical loss. Explicitly, Samsung claims a 15%improvement in light sensitivity and a boost in color fidelity.To capture high-quality photographs, CMOS image sensors must hold maximum light as possible and then transmit the accurate color information to the photodiode. These requirements were solved by the launch of Samsung’s ISOCELL technology in 2013.
Image Source: Samsung
The formation of the physical barrier between adjacent pixels enables every pixel to absorb and retain more light than the traditional backside-illuminated (BSI) image sensor design for outstanding image quality.The latest ISOCELL Plus Technology will benefit from higher resolution cameras:
Image Source: Samsung
ISOCELL Plus sensors will also be beneficial for higher resolution cameras. The company stated that the technology would permit 0.8 micron and smaller pixels. Therefore, it makes it perfect for super-resolution cameras with a resolution of more than 20 MP.Most high-resolution smartphone cameras usually excel during the day but show poor performance at night. A large image sensor facilitates better night-time snaps (raising the phone’s thickness), pixel-binning (presenting brighter but lower-resolution snaps), or a dual-camera setup. But the Samsung’s latest ISOCELL Plus technology unlocks the door for another solution without compromising resolution or size.This light-boosting technology can also benefit telephoto cameras, which usually depict poor performance in low light owing to their smaller apertures. Perhaps, it won’t present an extraordinary improvement in output quality at night. However, it can still be considered an improvement over existing telephoto zoom cameras.In the context of this technology, Yanagihara, corporate vice president of Fujifilm, stated that they value their strategic relationship with Samsung. He added that this development is a noteworthy milestone for them because it records the first commercialization of their new material. He also stated that through constant cooperation with Samsung, Fujifilm expects to present more significant innovations to mobile cameras.

Ben K. Hur, the vice president of System LSI marketing at Samsung Electronics, said that with this collaboration with Fujifilm, an industry frontrunner in imaging and information technology, Samsung had elevated the boundaries of CMOS image sensor technology.He added that the ISOCELL Plus technology would facilitate the development of ultra-high-resolution sensors with extraordinarily small pixel dimensions and convey performance advancements for the sensors with more significant pixel designs.Samsung is exhibiting the tech at Mobile World Congress Shanghai (scheduled to conduct from June 27 to June 29). However, it hasn’t been declared when the first phones with ISOCELL Plus sensors will release. It is expected that we will soon have phones with this technology.

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List of Sony Exmor R, RS Sensors Devices & Specifications

Exmor is the technology name that Sony employed on a few of their CMOS image sensors. Exmor carries out on-chip analog/digital signal conversion and two-step noise reduction in parallel on every column of the CMOS sensor.It was October 2015 when Sony Semiconductor Solutions was recognized as a solely owned group company to strengthen the CMOS image sensor business and incorporate the semiconductor-related business procedures of Sony Group. After this incorporation, every Exmor sensor is designed and produced by the company.It was May 14, 2020, when the Intelligent Vision Sensor was publicized with an intro. This preface stated that the Exmor is the first image sensor in the world to be implemented with AI processing functionality.The latest new sensor differentiates itself from the earlier Exmor RS sensors through an AI processor and a memory that stores the AI models. This memory and processor are in a stacked logic layer for real-time image analysis and immediate metadata extraction from any raw image.In that release, only model numbers were acknowledged; it was not verified whether the sensor holds a different name.

Sony Sensor Versions:

Exmor R is a back-illuminated version of the Sony CMOS image sensor. On June 11, 2008, Sony announced Exmor R. It was the world’s foremost machine-made implementation of back-illuminated sensor technology.Furthermore, Sony claims that Exmor R is almost twice as sensitive as a standard front-illuminated sensor.This active pixel sensor is found in many Sony cameras, mobile phones, and Apple’s iPhone 4s and 5. Formerly, Exmor R was restricted to smaller sensors for compact cameras, camcorders, and mobile phones.However, on June 10, 2015, Sony ILCE-7RM2 full-frame camera was released. It, too, contains an Exmor R sensor.Exmor RS is the first stacked CMOS image sensor in the world. Sony announced it on 20 August 2012. Successively, Sony proclaimed the foremost 3-layer stacked CMOS sensor and the same incorporated DRAM cell array in the center.

List of Sony Exmor R, RS Sensors:

Model numberpixels/resolutionSensor size (diagonal)Pixel sizeMaximum fpsSensitivitySaturation signalOutputSub-pixel layoutRelease date & Utilizing devices
IMX300  Release date:-Utilizing devices:
IMX315Release date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX3185488 x 4112 (22.5 Mp))1/2.6″1 μm60-240RGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX319Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX320Release date:Utilizing devices:
IMX3243849 x 1929 (7.42 Mp)1/1.7″2.25 μm40784 to 2666 mV800 mVMIPI CSI-2 serial output (4 lane / 2 lane)Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX333Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX338Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX345Release date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX350– –Release date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX3514688 x 3512 (16 Mp)5.82 mm (1/3.09″)1 μm30 to 240 fpsRGBRelease date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX356Release date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX3634032 x 3024 (12.2 Mp)7.06 m (1/2.55″)1.4 μm30 -240 fpsRGB
IMX371Release date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX372Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX374Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX376Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX378Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX379Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX38015Release date:Utilizing devices:
IMX382Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX3835544 x 3694 20 MP2.40 μm32.73 to 575.26sub LVDS 2 chMIPIRGBRelease date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX3863968 x 2976 (12 Mp)6.2 mm (1/2.9″)1.25 μmRGBRelease date: Jul, 2016Utilizing devices: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Motorola Moto Z2 Force, Xiaomi Mi Max 2, Huawei Honor 6X, Huawei Nova
IMX390Release date:-Utilizing devices:
IMX398Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX400Release date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX4081944 x 1104(16 Mp)1/3.61″2.24 μm100RGBRelease date:
  • Utilizing devices:
IMX409Release date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX4124056 x 3040 (12.3 Mp)(1/2.3″)1.55 μm60MIPI CSI-2MIPI 2 laneRGBRelease date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX4153864 x 2192 (8.46 Mp)1/2.8″1.45μm60 fps@12 Bits, 90 fps@10 BitsMIPIRGB, Color, Bayer ColorRelease date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX4357764 x 4964 (38.54 Mp)1/2.7″4.88μmSub- LVDS 16ch and SLVS-EC 16 laneRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX445Release date:-
  • Utilizing devices:
IMX45110Release date:-
  • Utilizin devices:
IMX4584224H × 3192V (13.48 Mp)5.867 mm (Type 1/3.06)1.12 μm30 fps-90 fps1023 LSBCSI-2 serial data output (MIPI 2 lane/4 lane, max 1.3 Gbps/lane, D-PHY spec. ver 1.1 compliant)RGBRelease date:-
  • Utilizing devices:
IMX464Approx. pixels 2712 × 1538 (4.2Mp)1/1.8 inch2.9 μmMIPI CSI-2RGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices:
IMX471Release date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX476Release date:-
  • Utilizing devices: –
IMX4774056 x 3040 (12.33 Mp)1.55 μm15-240CSI-2RGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX481Release date:
  • Utilizing devices:
IMX4864000 x 3000 (12 Mp)1.25μmRGB MonochromeRelease date: Feb 2018Utilizing devices: –
IMX4984608 x 3456 (15.93 Mp)CMOS BSIRGBRelease date:
  • Utilizing devices:
IMX4994608 x 3456 (16 Mp)6.4 mm ( 1 /2.8″)1.12 μmRGBRelease date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX503Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX519Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX520Release date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX555Release date: 01/04/2014
  • Utilizing devices: –
IMX557Release date: –
  • Utilizing devices:
IMX563Release date:-Utilizing devices:
IMX5716280H × 4264V (26.78 Mp)(1/1.8″)3.76 μm8-lane SLVS-EC outputRGBRelease date:-
  • Utilizing devices:
IMX5765760 x 4312 (15.93 Mp)0.9 μmRelease date:-
  • Utilizing devices:
IMX5774056 x 3040 (12.33 Mp)1.55 μm15-241CSI-2RGBRelease date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX582Release date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX5868000 x 6000 (48Mp)13.4 mm (1/1.2″)0.8 μm30-480MIPIBayer ColorRelease date:Utilizing devices: –
IMX598Release date: 2013Utilizing devices: –
IMX600/yRelease date:
  • Utilizing devices:
IMX603Release date: –
  • Utilizing devices:
IMX608Release date: 05/12/2017Utilizing devices: –
IMX6166528 x 4896 (31 Mp)0.8 μmCMOS BSIRGBRelease date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX6634032 x 3024 (12 Mp)1.22 μmCMOSRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX6829280 x 6920 (64 Mp)6.10 mm (1/3″)0.8 μmCMOS BSIRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices:-
IMX686Release date:
  • Utilizing devices:
IMX689Release date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX700Release date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX703Release date: –
IMX707-)Release date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX708Release date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX766Release date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX789Release date: –Utilizing devices: –
Other Specifications of Exmor sensors:
Model numberOther specifications
IMX318Image size: Diagonal 6.858 mm (Type 1/2.6)Sensor type: 22.5MP CMOS active pixel type stacked image sensor with a square pixel arrayThe number of active pixels: Approx. 22.5MP (5488(H) x 4112(V))Unit cell size: 1 µm (H) × 1 µm (V)Interface: 2-wireController: ARM7Optical format: 1/2.6″Applications:Tablets, PC Cameras, Mobile Phones
IMX324Image size: Diagonal 9.69 mm (Type 1/1.7)Sensor type: Area Scan SensorNumber of effective pixels: Approx 7.42M pixels (3849H × 1929V)Total number of pixels: Approx 6.60M pixels (2984H × 2212V)Unit cell size: 2.25 µm (H) × 2.25 µm (V)Pins: 108Application: Automotive Camera
IMX351Image size: Diagonal 5.822 mm (Type 1/3.09)Sensor Type: Area Image Sensor, Back-Illuminated SensorNumber of total pixels: Approx 16M pixels ( 4688(H) x 3512(V))Number of effective pixels: Approx 16M pixels (4656(H) x 3496(V))Unit cell size: 1 µm (H) × 1 µm (V)Pins: 72Shutter type: Electronic ShutterOptical format:1/3.09″ADC resolution: 10 bitsApplication:Tablets, PC Cameras, Mobile Phones
IMX363Image size: Diagonal 5.822 mm (Type 1/2.55)Number of effective pixels: Approx 12.2M pixels (4032(H) x 3024(V))Unit cell size: 1.4 µm (H) × 1.4 µm (V)
IMX383Number of effective pixels: Approx. 20.48M pixels (5496H × 3672V)Total number of pixels: Approx 20.48M pixels (5544H × 3694V)Pixel type: Back-Illuminated SensorUnit cell size: 2.4 µm (H) × 2.4 µm (V)Aspect Ratio: 16:9, 3:2Clock frequency: 72 MHzPins: 258PGA: 141 dB (Max.)Shutter type: ElectronicADC resolution: 10-bit, 12 bit
IMX386Image size: Diagonal 6.2 mm (Type 1/2.9)The number of effective pixels: Approx. 12M pixels (3968 × 2976)Unit cell size: 1.25 µm (H) × 1.25µm (V)
IMX408Image size: Diagonal 4.983 mm (Type 1/3.61)Sensor type: 2 MP CMOS active pixel type stacked image sensor with a square pixel array, black-illuminated sensorNumber of effective pixels: Approx. 2M pixels (1936H × 1096V)Total number of pixels: Approx. 2M pixels (194H × 1104V)Optical diagonal: 4.983 mmOptical format: 1/3.61″Interface: 2-wire serialUnit cell size: 2.24 µm (H) × 2.24µm (V)ADC resolution: 10 bitApplication: PC Camera, Tablet PC Camera, Mobile Phone
IMX412Image size: Type 1/2.3Total number of pixels: Approx. 12.3M pixels (4056H × 3040V)Unit cell size: 1.55 µm (H) × 1.55 µm (V)Image output format: Digital 10-bit, 12-bitInterface connector: Hirose DF40C-60DP-0.4V(51)Shutter type: RollingPGA: Analog: 18 dB (Max.)Digital: 24 dB (Max.)
IMX415Image size: Type 1/2.8Sensor type: 4K-Resolution CMOS Image Sensor for Security CamerasTotal number of pixels: Approx. 8.46M pixels (3864H × 2192V)Unit cell size: 1.45 µm (H) × 1.45 µm (V)Image output format: Digital 10-bit, 12-bitOptical diagonal: 6.43 mmInterface connector: Hirose DF40C-60DP-0.4V(51)Shutter type: RollingPGA: Analog: 18 dB (Max.)Digital: 24 dB (Max.)Applications: Security Cameras, Traffic Monitoring Systems, Surveillance, Smart City, Disaster Monitoring Alert
IMX435Image size: Diagonal 43.3 mm (Type 1/2.7)Sensor type: Color square pixel array, back-illuminated and stack typeTotal number of pixels: Approx. 38.54M pixels (7764H × 4964V)Number of effective pixels (for aspect ratio 16:9): Approx. 33.69M pixels (7734H × 4356V)Number of effective pixels (for aspect ratio 3:2): Approx. 36.45M pixels (7384H × 4936V)Unit cell size: 4.88 µm (H) × 4.88 µm (V)Image output format: Digital 10-bit, 12-bit, 14-bit, 16-bitInput clock frequency: 54 MHz (Sub-LVDS) /72 MHz (SLVS-EC)PG: 72 dB (Max.)Applications: Surveillance cameras, Industrial cameras, Digital still cameras camcorder cameras
IMX458Image size: Diagonal 5.867 mm (Type 1/3.06)Total number of pixels: Approx. 13.48M pixels (4224H × 3192V)Number of effective pixels: Approx. 13.28M pixels (4224H × 3144V)Unit cell size: 1.12 µm (H) × 1.12 µm (V)Applications: Cellular phone, tablet PC
IMX464Image size: Type 1/1.8Total number of pixels: Approx. 4.2M pixels (2712H × 1538V)Unit cell size: 2.9 µm (H) × 2.9 µm (V)Interface connector: Hirose DF40C-60DP-0.4V(51)Lens mount: M12 Mount (DW LH-15.0)Data lanes: 2,4Applications: Security, drone, sports and entertainment
IMX477Image size: Diagonal 7.857 mmTotal number of pixels: Approx. 12.33M pixels 4056 (H) × 3040 (V)Unit cell size: 1.55 µm (H) × 1.55 µm (V)Pins: 99Data rate: 2.1 GbpsShutter type: ElectronicApplications: Camcorder
IMX486Number of effective pixels:  Approx. 12MP (4000 x 3000)Unit cell size: 1.25 µm (H) × 1.25 µm (V)
IMX498Total Number of pixels:  Approx. 15.93MP (4608 x 3456)Matrix size: Diagonal 5.16 mm x 3.87 mmUnit cell size: 1.12 µm (H) × 1. 12 µm (V)
IMX499Sensor size: 6.4 mm ( 1 /2.8″)Number of effective pixels:  Approx. 16MP (4608 x 3456)Unit cell size: 1.12 µm (H) × 1.12 µm (V)
IMX571Image size: Type 1/1.8Sensor type: Diagonal 28.3 mm CMOS image sensor with square pixel for color camerasTotal number of pixels: Approx. 26.78M pixels (6280H × 4264V)Number of effective pixels: Approx. 26.11M pixels (6252H × 4176V)Unit cell size: 3.76 µm (H) × 3.76µm (V)Shutter type: RollingPins: 184PGA: 36 dB (Max.)Applications: Consumer use digital still Cameras
IMX576Total Number of pixels:  Approx. 15.93MP (5760 x 4312)Matrix size: Diagonal 5.18 mm x 3.88 mmUnit cell size: 0.9 µm (H) × 0.9 µm (V)
IMX577Sensor type: 2.3 MP CMOS Image Sensor with Square Pixel for CamcordersTotal number of pixels: Approx. 12.33M pixels (4056H × 3040V)Number of effective pixels: Approx. 26.11M pixels (6252H × 4176V)Unit cell size: 1.55 µm (H) × 1.55µm (V)Shutter type: ElectronicADC resolution: 10-bit, 12-bitApplications: Camcorder
IMX586Image size: Diagonal 8.00 mm (Type 1/1.9)Sensor type: 0.8 µm Pixel Size Stacked CMOS Image Sensor for SmartphonesTotal Number of pixels: 8000H × 6000V, approx. 48M pixelsUnit cell size: 0.8 µm (H) × 0.8 µm (V)
IMX600/yTotal Number of pixels:  Approx. 39.92MP (7296 x 5472)Matrix size: Diagonal 7.3 mm x 5.47 mmUnit cell size: 1 µm (H) × 1 µm (V)
IMX663Total Number of pixels:  Approx. 12MP (4032 x 3024)Matrix size: Diagonal 4.92 mm x 3.68 mmUnit cell size: 1.22 µm (H) × 1.22 µm (V)
IMX682Total Number of pixels:  Approx. 64MP (9280 x 6920)Matrix size: Diagonal 7.4 mm x 5.56 mmUnit cell size: 0.8 µm (H) × 0.8 µm (V
Model numberpixels/resolutionSensor size (diagonal)Pixel sizeMaximum fpsSensitivitySaturation signalOutputSub-pixel layoutRelease date & Utilizing devices
ISX0052064 x 1544 (3.19 Mp)3.60 mm (1/5″)1.4 μmMIPI 2 laneRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: Sony Ericsson txt pro
ISX0062592 x 1944 (5.04 Mp)4.50 mm (1/4″)1.4 μmMIPI 2 laneRGBRelease date: 15/02/2010Utilizing devices: –
IMX006FQ1292 x 977 (1.26 Mp))5.60 mm (1/3.2″)3.45 μm30370 mV630 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX0074312 x 2880 (12.41 Mp)28.47 mm (1.8″)5.49 μm8CMOS ParallelRGBRelease date: 23/07/2021Utilizing devices: Nikon D2X
IMX011CQ1648 x 1241 (2.05 Mp)6.03 mm (1/3.0″)2.93 μm30230 mV550 mVCMOS Parallelsub-LVDS SerialRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX012CQ1292 x 960 (1.23 Mp)4.74 mm (1/3.8″)2.93 μm30230 mV550 mVCMOS Parallelsub-LVDS SerialRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
ISX0161296 x 976 (1.26 Mp)4.54 mm (1/4″)2.80 μm25-60510 mVCMOS ParallelAnalog (NTSC/PAL)RGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX017CQE2916 x 2178 (6.35 Mp)9.10 mm (1/1.8″)2.50 μm604200 e-10000 e-CMOS Parallelsub-LVDS SerialRGBRelease date: 21/02/2008Utilizing devices: –
IMX0182064 x 1544 (3.19 Mp)6.47 mm (1/2.8″)2.50 μm10127 mV450 mVCMOS Parallelsub-LVDS SerialRGBRelease date: 11/10/2016Utilizing devices: –
IMX0191648 x 1241 (2.05 Mp)5.16 mm (1/3.5″)2.50 μm15127 mV450 mVCMOS Parallelsub-LVDS SerialRGBRelease date: 26/10/2006Utilizing devices: –
ISX0191280 x 960 (1.23 Mp)4.69 mm (1/3.8″)2.90 μm607.7 V/lux • secParallel CMOSMIPI CSI-2RGBRelease date: 15/02/2019Utilizing devices: –
IMX0202608 x 1960 (5.11 Mp)6.52 mm (1/2.8″)2.0 μm1557 mV175 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGBRelease date: 20/03/2008Utilizing devices: –
IMX0214312 x 2880 (12.41 Mp)28.47 mm (1.8″) APS-C5.49 μm10.39500 mV1100 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGBRelease date: 15/02/2008
  • Utilizing devices: Nikon D300
SONY Alpha 700
IMX0286000 x 4000 (24.4 Mp)43.3 mm Full-frame5.96 μm5sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date: 12/08/2008Utilizing devices: –
  • Nikon D3X
  • Sony Alpha 900
Sony Alpha 850
IMX0292072 x 1552 (3.22 Mp)4.51 mm (1/4″)1.75 μm2090 mV235 mVsub-LVDS 1 chRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX0323528 x 2632 (9.29 Mp)7.63 mm (1/2.3″)1.75 μm302300 e-5000 e-CMOS ParallelMIPI CSI-2RGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX0342616 x 1968 (5.15 Mp)5.71 mm (1/3.2″)1.75 μm1590 mV330 mVsub-LVDS 2 chRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX0351329 x 1049 (1.39 Mp)6.08 mm (1/3″)3.63 μm460 mV830 mVLVDS 1-port DDRRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX0362096 x 1561 (3.27 Mp)6.49 mm (1/2.8″)2.50 μm60200 mV400 mVCMOSParallel LVDSRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX0384312 x 2880 (12.41 Mp)28.47 mm (1.8″)5.49 μm15550 mV1200 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGBRelease date: 12/11/2008Utilizing devices:
  • Nikon D90
  • Sony Alpha 500
Nikon D5000
IMX0433288 x 2468 (8.12 Mp)7.18 mm (1/2.5″)1.75 μm1090 mV290 mVsub-LVDS 2 chRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX045PQ2616 x 1968 5.15 Mp)4.50 mm (1/4″)1.40 μm22.590 mV280 mVsub-LVDS 2 chMIPIRGBRelease date: March 2009Utilizing devices: –
IMX046PQ3288 x 2468 (8.11 Mp)5.76 mm (1/3.2″)1.40 μm1590 mV280 mVsub-LVDS 2 chMIPIRGBRelease date: Nov 2008Utilizing devices: –
IMX0494952 x 3056 (14.2 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C5.09 μm72280 mVsub-LVDS 12 chRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices:SONY Alpha 550
IMX0582072 x 1552 (3.22 Mp)4.51 mm (1/4″)1.75 μm1590 mV330 mVCMOS ParallelRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX060PQ4040 x 3032 (12.25 Mp)7.10 mm (1/2.5″)1.40 μm1090 mV280 mVsub-LVDS 2 chMIPIRGBRelease date: March 2009Utilizing devices: –
IMX0714928 x 3264(16 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C4.78 μm108 channel LVDSRGBRelease date: 24/12/2010
  • Utilizing devices: Nikon D5100
  • Nikon D7000
  • Sony NEX-C3
  • Sony NEX-5N
  • Fujifilm X-Pro1
  • Fujifilm X-E1
  • Fujifilm X-E2
  • Fujifilm X-T1
  • Pentax K-5
  • Pentax K-30
IMX072PQ2616 x 1968 (5.15 Mp)4.50 mm (1/4″)1.40 μm22.5sub-LVDS 2 chMIPI 2 laneRGBRelease date: 28/03/ 2022Utilizing devices: –
IMX073PQ3288 x 2468 (8.12 Mp)5.76 mm (1/3.2″)1.40 μm15sub-LVDS 2 chMIPI 2 laneRGBRelease date: 15/02/2010Utilizing devices: –
IMX074PQ4216 x 3128 (13.19 Mp)7.35 mm (1/2.45″)1.40 μm15Digital MIPI 4 chRGBRelease date: 15/02/2010Utilizing devices: –
IMX0761368 x 1049 (1.43 Mp)7.35 mm (1/2.45″)2.80 μm60425 mV822 mVCMOS Parallelsub-LVDS 1/2 chRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX0804928 x 3264(16 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C4.78 μm14sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date:-
  • Utilizing devices: Sony NEX-5R
  • Sony NEX-6
  • Sony Alpha 33
  • Sony Alpha 55
Sony Alpha 580
IMX0947360 x 4912 (36.4 Mp)43.3 mm Full-frame4.88 μm10sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date:-
  • Utilizing devices: Sony α7R
  • Nikon D800
  • Nikon D810
  • Pentax K-1
Pentax K-1 II
IMX0954928 x 3264 (16.3 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C4.78 μm18sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date:-
  • Utilizing devices: Sony NEX-F3
Fujifilm X-A10
IMX0966000 x 4000 (24.3 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C3.91 μm10sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: Sony SLT-A77
IMX0992056 x 1088 (2.24 Mp)42.4 mm (2.7″)18.0 μm60240K e-1.2M e-sub-LVDS 8 chMonochromeRelease date: 2007Utilizing devices: Security & Surveillance
IMX1004952 x 3056 (14.2 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C5.09 μm70-130sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date:-
  • Utilizing devices: Sony Alpha 560
  • Sony NEX-3
Sony NEX-5
IMX104LQJ1305 x 1049 (1.37 Mp)6.28 mm (1/3″)3.75 μm120960 mV1440 mVsub-LVDS 4 chRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX1094608 x 3456(16 Mp)21.6 mm Micro 4/33.70 μm15sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date: 14/04/2014
  • Utilizing devices: Olympus OM-D E-M5
Olympus OM-D E-M10
IMX1221920 x 1080 (2.07 Mp)6.40 mm (1/2.9″)2.80 μm120425 mV812 mVsub-LVDS 4 chRGB MonochromeRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX1286000 x 4000 (24.3 Mp)43.3 mm Full-frame5.97 μm6.9sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date: 21/11/2012
  • Utilizing devices: Nikon D600
  • Nikon D610
  • Nikon D750
  • Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1
  • Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1R
IMX136LQJ/LAJ/LLJ1944 x 1244 (2.38 Mp)6.40 mm (1/2.8″)2.80 μm108425 mV812 mVsub-LVDS 4 chRGB RGBW MonochromeRelease date: 15/05/2012Utilizing devices: –
IMX137LQK1368 x 1049 1.43 Mp)4.58 mm (1/4″)2.80 μm60425 mV822 mVsub-LVDS 1/2 chRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX1391305 x 1049 (1.37 Mp)6.28 mm (1/3″)3.75 μm120960 mV1440 mVsub-LVDS 2/4 chRGB MonochromeRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX140LQJ/LAJ1944 x 1224 (2.38 Mp)6.23 mm (1/2.9″)2.80 μm60425 mV812 mVsub-LVDS 2/4 chRGB RGBWRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX1565508 x 3648 (20.3 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C4.27 μm16sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date: 01/04/2014
  • Utilizing devices: -Sony α3000
  • Sony Alpha 58
Sony α5000
IMX1576000 x 4000 24.3 Mp)43.3 mm Full-frame5.97 μm10sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date: 15/03/2013
  • Utilizing devices: Sony Alpha 99
  • Sony α7
Sony α7 II
IMX1594608 x 3456(16 Mp)21.6 mm Micro 4/33.70 μm23sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: Z CAM C1
IMX1618280 X 6208 (51.4 Mp)55 mm (3.4″)5.30 μm3.3sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date:-
  • Utilizing devices: Fujifilm GFX 50S
  • Fujifilm GFX 50R
  • Hasselblad X1D-50c
  • Hasselblad X1D II 50C
Pentax 645Z
IMX1635472 x 3648(20 Mp)15.86 mm (1″)2.40 μm22sub-LVDS 10 chRGBRelease date:-
  • Utilizing devices: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX10
IMX168CQK2616 x 1968 (5.15 Mp)4.58 mm1.40 μm22.5120 mV428 mVMIPI 2/1 laneRGBRelease date: 2013Utilizing devices: –
IMX169CQK4216 x 3128 (13.19 Mp)7.35 mm1.40 μm13.5120 mV428 mVMIPI 4/2 laneRGBRelease date: 2013Utilizing devices: –
IMX174 (Pregius)1936 x 1216 (2.35 Mp)13.4 mm (1/1.2″)5.86 μm164.5 (10-bit)850 mV1000 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGB MonochromeRelease date: 2013Utilizing devices: –
IMX185LQJ1945 x 1225 (2.38 Mp)8.58 mm (1/1.9″)3.75 μm100510 mV812 mVMIPI CSI-2 2/4 chlow-voltage LVDS serial 2/4 chRGBRelease date: 2013Utilizing devices: –
IMX1936000 x 4000 (24.3 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C3.91 μm8.7sub-LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date: 23/01/2014
  • Utilizing devices: Nikon D3300
  • Nikon D5300
Nikon D5500
IMX2106000 x 4000 (24.3 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C3.91 μm11RGBRelease date: 05/12/2014
  • Utilizing devices: Sony α5100
Sony α6000
IMX21111608 x 8708 (101 Mp)66.7 mm (4.2″)4.60 μm20-30Sub LVDS 8chRGB / MonochromeRelease date: 05/12/2017Utilizing devices: Phase One XF
IMX222LQJ1984 x 1225 (2.53 Mp)6.40 mm (1/2.8″)2.80 μm40510 mV812 mVCMOS parallellow voltage LVDS serialRGBRelease date: 2013Utilizing devices: –
IMX224(WDR Function)1305 x 977 (1.27 Mp)6.10 mm (1/3″)3.75 μm120 (10-bit)1210 mV2350 mVParallel CMOSMIPI CSI-2Low voltage version serial LVDSRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX2251305 x 977 (1.27 Mp)6.10 mm (1/3″)3.75 μm1201210 mV2350 mVParallel CMOSMIPI CSI-2Low voltage version serial LVDSRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices:-
IMX2354240 x 2832 (12.2 Mp)43.3 mm Full-frame8.42 μm60RGBRelease date: 29/08/2014
  • Utilizing devices: Sony α7S
  • Sony α7S II
Sony SNC-VB770
IMX236LQJ1944 x 1224 (2.38 Mp)6.40 mm (1/2.8″)2.80 μm108510mV812 mVCMOS ParallelRGBRelease date: 2013Utilizing devices: –
IMX238LQJ1305 x 1069 (1.37 Mp)6.28 mm (1/3″)3.75 μm601300 mV1440 mVsub-LVDS 1/2/4 chRGBRelease date: 2013Utilizing devices: –
IMX249 (Pregius)1936 x 1216 (2.35 Mp)13.4 mm (1/1.2″)5.86 μm30 (12-bit)850 mV1000 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGB MonochromeRelease date: 02/06/2015
IMX250LLR/LQR (Pregius)2464 x 2056 (5.07 Mp)11.1 mm (2/3″)3.45 μm163.4 (8-bit)1001 mV1146 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGB (LQR) Monochrome (LLR)Release date: 2015Utilizing devices: –
IMX250MZR/MYR (Polarsens)2464 x 2056 5.07 Mp)11.1 mm (2/3″)3.45 μm163.41001 mV1146 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGB (MYR) Monochrome (MZR)Release date: 2018Utilizing devices: –
IMX252 (Pregius)2064 x 1544 (3.19 Mp)8.90 mm (1/1.8″)3.45 μm216.2 (8-bit)1001 mV1146 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGB MonochromeRelease date: 2015Utilizing devices: –
IMX253 (Pregius)4112 x 3008 (12.37 Mp)17.6 mm (1.1″)3.45 μm68.3 (8-bit)1001 mV1146 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGB MonochromeRelease date: 2016Utilizing devices: –
IMX255 (Pregius)4112 x 2176 (8.95 Mp)16.1 mm (1″)3.45 μm93.7 (8-bit)1001 mV1146 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGB MonochromeRelease date: 2016Utilizing devices:
IMX264 (Pregius)2464 x 2056 (5.07 Mp)11.1 mm (2/3″)3.45 μm35.7 (12-bit)1001 mV1146 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGB MonochromeRelease date: April 2016Utilizing devices: –
IMX265 (Pregius)2064 x 1544 (3.19 Mp)8.90 mm (1/1.8″)3.45 μm55.6 (12-bit)1001 mV1146 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGB MonochromeRelease date: 21/03/2016Utilizing devices: –
IMX267 (Pregius)4112 x 2176 (8.95 Mp)16.1 mm (1″)3.45 μm32.2 (12-bit)1001 mV1146 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGB MonochromeRelease date: 14/12/2016Utilizing devices: –
IMX2695324 x 3996(20 Mp)21.6 mm Micro 4/33.30 μm271880 LSB3840 LSBsub-LVDS 12 chRGBRelease date:-–Utilizing devices: XiaoYi M1
IMX2705324 x 3996(20 Mp)21.6 mm Micro 4/33.30 μm601634 LSB4608 LSBRGBRelease date: 04/12/2017Utilizing devices: Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II
IMX2716024 x 4024(24 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C3.91 μm196762 LSB16382 LSBSLVS/SLVS-EC 8 laneRGBRelease date:-Utilizing devices: –
IMX2725324 x 3996(20 Mp)21.6 mm Micro 4/33.30 μm601634 LSB4608 LSBSLVS-EC 12 laneRGBRelease date: 26/07/2017Utilizing devices: –
IMX273 (Pregius)1456 x 1088 (1.58 Mp)6.30 mm (1/2.9″)3.45 μm276.0 (8-bit)1001 mV1146 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGB MonochromeRelease date: 2017Utilizing devices: –
IMX2846000 x 4000 (24.3 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C3.91 μm25SLVS-EC 8 laneRGBRelease date: 13/06/2016
  • Utilizing devices: Sony α6300
Sony α6500
IMX287 (Pregius)728 x 544(396 Kp6.30 mm (1/2.9″)6.90 μm523.5(8bit)2002 mV4584 mVsub-LVDS 4 chRGB MonochromeRelease date: 2017Utilizing devices: –
IMX296 (Pregius)1456 x 1088 (1.58 Mp)6.30 mm (1/2.9″)3.45 μm60.3(10bit)1001 mV1146 mVMIPI CSI-2 1 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: 2017Utilizing devices: –
IMX297 (Pregius)728 x 544(396 Kp6.30 mm (1/2.9″)6.9 μm120.8(10bit)2002 mV4584 mVMIPI CSI-2 1 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: 2017Utilizing devices: –
IMX302 (Pregius)1936 x 1216 (2.35 Mp)13.4 mm (1/1.2″)5.86 μm64.1(12bit)850 mV1000 mVsub-LVDS SerialRGBRelease date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX304 (Pregius)4096 x 3008 (12.29 Mp)17.6 mm (1.1″)3.45 μm23.4 (12bit)1001 mV1146 mVsub-LVDS 8 chRGB MonochromeRelease date: 26/04/2017Utilizing devices: –
IMX305 (Pregius)4096 x 2160 (8.85 Mp)16.1 mm (1″)3.45 μm63.7 (12bit)1001 mV1146 mVsub-LVDS 16 chRGB MonochromeRelease date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX3215568 x 3712 (20.9 Mp)28.1 mm APS-C4.20 μm10510 mVSub LVDS 8 chRGBRelease date: 12/11/2016
  • Utilizing devices: Nikon D500
  • Nikon D7500
Nikon Z50
IMX3221920 x 1080 (2.07 Mp)6.23 mm (1/2.9″)2.80 μm120510 mVCMOS ParallelRGB MonochromeRelease date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX323LQN1985 x 1105 (2.19 Mp)6.23 mm (1/2.9″)2.80 μm30510 mV645 mVCMOS ParallelRGBRelease date: 2015Utilizing devices: –
IMX342 (Pregius)6464 x 4852 (31.36 Mp)27.9 mm 4:3 APS-C3.45 μm35.4 (8-bit)1001 mV1146 mVSLVS 2/4/8 laneSLVS-EC 1/2/4/8 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: 29/042019Utilizing devices: –
IMX367 (Pregius)4416 x 4428 (19.55 Mp)21.6 mm 1:1 (4/3)3.45 μm43 (8-bit)1001 mV1146 mVSLVS 2/4/8 laneSLVS-EC 1/2/4/8 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX385LQR1945 x 1097 (2.13 Mp)8.35 mm (1/2″)3.75 μm1201210 mV2350 mVsub-LVDS SerialMIPI CSI-2RGBRelease date: 2017Utilizing devices: –
IMX387 (Pregius)5456 x 3072 (16.78 Mp)21.7 mm 16:9 (Four Thirds)3.45 μm61.3 (8-bit)1001 mV1146 mVSLVS 2/4/8 laneSLVS-EC 1/2/4/8 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX388 (Pregius)640 x 480 (307.2 Kp2.80 mm (1/6.4″)3.45 μm240915mV1001 mVMIPI 1 lane RAWMonochromeRelease date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX392 (Pregius)1920 x 1200 (2.30 Mp)7.90 mm (1/2.3″)3.45 μm201.4 (8-bit)1001 mV1146 mVSub LVDS 8 chRGB MonochromeRelease date: 14/02/2019Utilizing devices: –
IMX397CLN (Pregius)640 x 480 (307.2 Kp2.799 mm (1/6.4″)3.45 μm240915 mV1001 mVMIPI CSI-2MonochromeRelease date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX418 (Pregius)1016 x 1016 (1.03 Mp)5.0 mm (1/2.3″)3.45 μm120915 mV1001 mVMIPI D-PHY 1.2 2 laneMonochromeRelease date: 22/10/2018Utilizing devices: –
IMX419CLN (Pregius)1016 x 1016 (1.03 Mp)4.96 mm (1/3.63″)3.45 μm120915 mV1001 mVMIPI CSI-2MonochromeRelease date: 17/04/2019Utilizing devices: –
IMX420 (Pregius)3208 x 2200 (7.06 Mp)17.6 mm (1.1″)4.50 μm207.11001 mV2058 mVSLVS 4/8 laneSLVS-EC 1/2/4/8 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: 29/08/2017Utilizing devices: –
IMX421 (Pregius)1936 x 1464 (2.83 Mp)11.0 mm (2/3″)4.50 μm409.2 (8-bit)1001 mV2058 mVSLVS 4/8 laneSLVS-EC 1/2/4/8 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: 01-10-2020Utilizing devices: –
IMX422 (Pregius)1624 x 1240 (2.01 Mp)9.20 mm (1/1.7″)4.50 μm477.6 (8-bit)1001 mV2058 mVSLVS 4/8 laneSLVS-EC 1/2/4/8 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: –Utilizing devices: –
IMX425 (Pregius)1604 x 1100 (1.76 Mp)17.6 mm (1.1″)9.0 μm662.1 (8-bit)1001 mV4910 mVSLVS 2/4/8 laneSLVS-EC 1/2/4/8 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: July 2021Utilizing devices: –
IMX426 (Pregius)812 x 620 (503.4 Kp9.20 mm (1/1.7″)9.0 μm1594.7 (8-bit)1001 mV4910 mVSLVS 2/4/8 laneSLVS-EC 1/2/4/8 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: 29/11/2018Utilizing devices: –
IMX428 (Pregius)3208 x 2200 (7.06 Mp)17.6 mm (1.1″)4.50 μm51.4 (12-bit)1001 mV2058 mVSLVS 4/8 laneSLVS-EC 1/2 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: 29/08/2017Utilizing devices: –
IMX429 (Pregius)1936 x 1464 (2.83 Mp)11.0 mm (2/3″)4.50 μm96.0 (12-bit)1001 mV2058 mVSLVS 2/4 laneSLVS-EC 1/2 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: 04/08/2019Utilizing devices: –
IMX430 (Pregius)1624 x 1240 (2.01 Mp)9.20 mm (1/1.7″)4.50 μm132.0 (12-bit)1001 mV2058 mVSLVS 2/4 laneSLVS-EC 1/2 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: 09-01-2019Utilizing devices: –
IMX432 (Pregius)1604 x 1100 (1.76 Mp)17.6 mm (1.1″)9.0 μm98.6 (12-bit)1001 mV2058 mVSLVS 2/4 laneSLVS-EC 1 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: May 2018Utilizing devices: –
IMX433 (Pregius)812 x 620 (503.4 Kp9.20 mm (1/1.7″)9.0 μm243.0 (12-bit)100 mV2058 mVSLVS 2 laneSLVS-EC 1 laneRGB MonochromeRelease date: 09/01/2019Utilizing devices: –
IMX437LQJ (Pregius)1936 x 1464 (2.83 Mp)11.0 mm (2/3″)4.50 μm231.2 (12-bit)1001 mV2058 mVSLVS 4/8 laneSLVS-EC 1/2/4/8 laneRGBRelease date: –Utilizing devices: –

Other Specifications of Exmor sensors:

Model numberOther specifications
ISX005Image size: Diagonal 3.6 mm (Type 1/5)Number of effective pixels: Approx 3.19M pixels (2064H × 1544V)Number of recording pixels: Approx 3.15M pixels (2048H × 1536V)I/O interfaces: I2C fast mode (@400 kHz), interrupt outputsExternal interfaces: I2C 2 ch、GPIO 2 chNo. of pins: 88Controller: ARM7Image Output formats: JPEG (4:2:2), Y/Cb/Cr, YUV, RGB, RAW, and JPEG + YUV (thumbnail)Picture Quality Adjustment functions: Sharpening, noise reduction, color adjustment, gamma correction, brightness adjustment, contrast adjustment, special effectsInput clock frequencies: 12, 13, 13.5, 14.4, 18, 19.2, 24, 26, 27 MHzMax. data output frequencies:Parallel : 108 MHz@YCbCr (3M) output54 MHz@YCbCr (XGA) / JPEG (3M) outputMIPI : 864 Mbps@YCbCr (3M) 15 frame/s (2 lanes)864 Mbps@JPEG (3M) 15 frame/s (2 lanes)Power consumption: 190 mW 3M JPEG@15 frame/s 190 mW VGA YUV@30 frame/s
ISX006Image size: Diagonal 4.5 mm (Type 1/4)Number of effective pixels: Approx 5.11M pixels (2608H × 1960V)Number of recording pixels: Approx 5.04M pixels (2592H × 1944V)I/O interfaces: I2C fast mode (@400 kHz), interrupt outputsNo. of pins: 114External interfaces: I2C 2 ch、GPIO 5 ch, PWMController: ARM7Image Output formats: JPEG (4:2:2), Y/Cb/Cr, YUV, RGB, RAW, and JPEG + YUV (thumbnail)Picture Quality Adjustment functions: Sharpening, noise reduction, color adjustment, gamma correction, brightness adjustment, contrast adjustment, special effectsInput clock frequencies: 12, 13, 13.5, 14.4, 18, 19.2, 24, 26, 27 MHzMax. data output frequencies:Parallel : 108 MHz@YCbCr (3M) output54 MHz@YCbCr (XGA) / JPEG (3M) outputMIPI : 864 Mbps@YCbCr (3M) 15 frame/s (2 lanes)864 Mbps@JPEG (3M) 15 frame/s (2 lanes)Power consumption: 308 mW 5M JPEG@15 frame/s 310 mW WVGA YUV@30 frame/s
IMX011CQImage size: Diagonal 6.03 mm (Type 1/3.0)Number of effective pixels: Approx 2.07M(1656H × 1249V)Number of active pixels: Approx 2.05M pixels (1648H × 1249V)Unit cell size: 2.925 µm (H) × 2.925 µm (V)Horizontal drive frequency: 39 MHzInterface: 3-wire serialController: ARM7Image Output formats: Progressive scan,digital, 10 bits
ISX016Image size: Diagonal 4.54 mm (Type 1/4)Number of effective pixels: (1.26MP) 1296H × 976VUnit cell size: 2.8 µm (H) × 2.8 µm (V)Interface: CMOS Parallel/Analog (NTSC/PAL)Scaling Output mode: VGA, WVGA, XGA, HD720, WXGA, Quad-VGAImage Output formats: Progressive scan,digital, 10 bits
IMX017CQEImage size: Diagonal 9.1 mm (Type 1/1.8)Number of effective pixels: Approx 6.39M pixels (2928H × 2184V)Total number of pixels: Approx 6.60M pixels (2984H × 2212V)Unit cell size: 2.5 µm (H) × 2.5 µm (V)Image Output format: Progressive scan10-bit digital data (all pixels, 60 frame/s)12-bit digital data (all pixels, 15 frame/s)Input clock frequencies: 54 MHz
IMX018Image size: Diagonal 6.47 mm (Type 1/2.8)Number of effective pixels: Approx 3.22M pixels (2072H × 1552V)Total number of pixels: Approx 3.25M pixels (2072H × 1568V)Interface: 3-wire serialUnit cell size: 2.5 µm (H) × 2.5 µm (V)Image Output format: Progressive scan10-bit digital data
IMX019Image size: Diagonal 6.47 mm (Type 1/2.8)Number of effective pixels: Approx 3.22M pixels (2072H × 1552V)Total number of pixels: Approx 3.25M pixels (2072H × 1568V)Interface: 3-wire serialUnit cell size: 2.5 µm (H) × 2.5 µm (V)Image Output format: Progressive scan10-bit digital data
ISX019Image size: Diagonal 4.69 mm (Type 1/2.8)Number of effective pixels: Approx 1.23M pixelsInterface: CMOS Parallel / MIPI CSI-2 Serial, I2CUnit cell size: 2.9 µm (H) × 2.9 µm (V)Pins: 72
IMX020Image size: Diagonal 6.52 mm (Type 1/2.8)Number of effective pixels: Approx 5.15M pixels (2616H × 1968V)Total number of pixels: Approx 5.15M pixels (2616H × 1968V)Interface: 3-wire serialUnit cell size: 2.0 µm (H) × 2.0 µm (V)Image Output format: Progressive scan10-bit digital dataPGA: 30 dB max.
IMX034Image size: Diagonal 6.52 mm (Type 1/2.8)The number of effective pixels: Approx. 12.37M pixels (4112H × 3008V)Total number of pixels: Approx 12.41M pixels (4112H × 3018V)Interface: 3-wire serialUnit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)PGA: 0 dB to 24 dB: Analog Gain (0.1 dB step)24.1 dB to 48 dB: Analog Gain 24 dB + Digital Gain: 0.1 dB to 24 dB (0.1 dB step)
IMX035Image size: Diagonal 6.08 mm (Type 1/3)The total number of pixels: Approx. 1.49M pixels (1329H × 1076V)Number of effective pixels: Approx 1.39M pixels (1329H × 1049V)Unit cell size: 3.63 µm (H) × 3.63 µm (V)Horizontal drive frequency: 54 MHz 
IMX045PQImage size: Diagonal 4.5 mm (Type 1/4)The number of effective pixels: Approx. 5.15M pixels (2616H × 1968V)Total number of pixels: Approx 5.33M pixels (2664H × 2000V)Interface: 3-wire serial, I2CUnit cell size: 1.4 µm (H) × 1.4 µm (V)Image output format: Digital 10-bit2ch Sub-LVDS / MIPIPGA: Analog: 18 dB (Max.)Digital: 24 dB (Max.)
IMX046PQImage size: Diagonal 4.5 mm (Type 1/4)The number of effective pixels: Approx. 5.15M pixels (2616H × 1968V)Total number of pixels: Approx 5.33M pixels (2664H × 2000V)Interface: 3-wire serial, I2CUnit cell size: 1.4 µm (H) × 1.4 µm (V)Image output format: Digital 10-bit2ch Sub-LVDS / MIPIPGA: Analog: 18 dB (Max.)Digital: 24 dB (Max.)
IMX060PQImage size: Diagonal 4.5 mm (Type 1/4)The number of effective pixels: Approx. 5.15M pixels (2616H × 1968V)Total number of pixels: Approx 5.33M pixels (2664H × 2000V)Interface: 3-wire serial, I2CUnit cell size: 1.4 µm (H) × 1.4 µm (V)Image output format: Digital 10-bit2ch Sub-LVDS / MIPIPGA: Analog: 18 dB (Max.)Digital: 24 dB (Max.)
IMX072PQImage size: Diagonal 4.5 mm (Type 1/4)The number of effective pixels: Approx. 5.15M pixels (2616H × 1968V)The total number of pixels: Approx. 5.33M pixels (2664H × 2000V)Interface: 3-wire serial, I2CUnit cell size: 1.4 µm (H) × 1.4 µm (V)Image output format: Digital 10-bit2ch Sub-LVDS/MIPIPGA: Analog: 18 dB (Max.)Digital: 24 dB (Max.)
IMX073PQImage size: Diagonal 4.5 mm (Type 1/4)The number of effective pixels: Approx. 5.15M pixels (2616H × 1968V)The total number of pixels: Approx. 5.33M pixels (2664H × 2000V)Interface: 3-wire serial, I2CUnit cell size: 1.4 µm (H) × 1.4 µm (V)Image output format: Digital 10-bit2ch Sub-LVDS/MIPIPGA: Analog: 18 dB (Max.)Digital: 24 dB (Max.)
IMX074PQImage size: Diagonal 4.5 mm (Type 1/4)The number of effective pixels: Approx. 5.15M pixels (2616H × 1968V)The total number of pixels: Approx. 5.33M pixels (2664H × 2000V)Interface: 3-wire serial, I2CUnit cell size: 1.4 µm (H) × 1.4 µm (V)Image output format: Digital 10-bit2ch Sub-LVDS/MIPIPGA: Analog: 18 dB (Max.)Digital: 24 dB (Max.)
IMX104LQJImage size: (Type 1/3)The total number of pixels: 1305(H)x1049(V)Unit cell size: 3.75 µm (H) × 3.75 µm (V)Image output format: 720p HD
IMX122Image size: Diagonal 6.4 mm (1 / 2.8 type) in all pixel modeDiagonal 6.23 mm (1 / 2.9 type) in HD1080p modeNumber of effective pixels: Approx. 2.43M pixels 1984 (H) × 1225 (V)Total number of pixels: Approx. 2.48M pixels (2000 (H) × 1241 (V)Unit cell size: 2.8 µm (H) × 2.8 µm (V)PGA: Analog: 24 dB (Max.)Digital: 42 dB (Max.)
IMX128Number of effective pixels:  6036 x 4028 pixelsUnit cell size: 5.97 µm (H) × 5.97 µm (V)Image output format: 14bit (output as 16bit and 8bit)Shutter Type Electric Rolling ShutterMaximum Dynamic Range >17000:1 (More than 14 STOP’s)Dark Current 0.0006e/pixel/sec @ -15CExposure Time Range 60us-3600secAnti-Glow Control Yes, Zero GlowShutter Type Electric Rolling Shutter
IMX136LQJ/LAJ/LLJImage size: Diagonal 6.23 mm (Type 1/2.9) (Full HD mode) Diagonal 6.40 mm (Type 1/2.8) (WUXGA model)The number of effective pixels: 1944H × 1224V, approx. 2.38M pixelsThe total number of pixels: Approx. 5.33M pixels (2664H × 2000V)Interface: General purpose I2CUnit cell size: 2.8 µm (H) × 2.8 µm (V)Image output format: 1944H × 1224V, approx. 2.38M pixelsPGA: Analog: 12 dB (Max.)Digital: 42 dB (Max.)
IMX163Number of effective pixels: 4656 x 3522The total number of pixels: Approx. 5.33M pixels (2664H × 2000V)Unit cell size: 3.8 µm (H) × 3.8 µm (V)
IMX174 (Pregius)Number of effective pixels: 1936 (H) × 1216 (V);Approx. 2.35MPPins: 118Image output: LVDS 2/4/8
IMX185LQJImage size: Diagonal 8.58 mm (Type 1/1.9)The number of effective pixels: 1945H × 1225V, approx. 2.38M pixelsTransfer method: All-pixel scanUnit cell size: 3.75 µm (H) × 3.75 µm (V)Image output format: Type 1/2 Full HD formatPins: 128Input drive frequency: 54 MHz/27 MHz/74.25 MHz/37.125 MHz
IMX211Image size: 4.2 to 66.7 mmSensor type: Front Illuminated SensorTransfer method: All-pixel scanUnit cell size: 4.6 µm (H) × 4.6 µm (V)Other features: shuttered and shutter-less operation, available in both color and monochrome, 8-channel LVDS output interface for fast image data transitionApplications:   Aerial imaging, Flat panel inspection, and Surveillance
IMX222LQJImage size: Diagonal 6.23 mm (Type 1/2.9) (Full HD mode) Diagonal 6.40 mm (Type 1/2.8) (WUXGA mode)The number of effective pixels: 1984H × 1105V, approx. 2.43M pixelsUnit cell size: 2.8 µm (H) × 2.8 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 to 54 MHzADC resolution: 10 to 12 bitImage optical format: 1/2.8 Inch
IMX224(WDR Function)Image size: 1/3-Type 1.27 Megapixel CMOS Image SensorThe number of effective pixels: 1305 (H) x 977 (V), approx. 1.27M pixelsInterface: MIPI CSI-2, LVDSPins: 72Unit cell size: 3.75 µm (H) × 3.75 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 to 54 MHzADC resolution: 10 to 12 bitImage optical format: 1/3 InchPGA: Up to 72 dBOther features: Captures high-resolution color images even in nighttime conditions equivalent to 0.005 lux.Applications: Automotive applications
IMX225Image size: Type 1/3The number of effective pixels: 1305 (H) × 977 (V) approx. 1.27 M pixelsThe total number of pixels: 1312 (H) × 993 (V) approx. 1.30 M pixelsInterface: CSI-2 High-speed serial interfaceUnit cell size: 3.75 µm (H) × 3.75 µm (V)Input frequency: 27 MHz, 54 MHz, 37.125 MHz, 74.25 MHzOther features: Variable-speed shutter function, 10-bit / 12-bit A/D converter, Conversion gain switching (HCG Mode / LCG Mode)PGA: Analog: 30 dB (Max.)Digital: 42 dB (Max.)Recommended lens F-number: 2.8 or more (Close side)Recommended exit pupil distance: –30 mm to –∞
IMX236LQJImage size: 1/2.8inch-TypeThe number of effective pixels: 1944 (H) x 1104 (V), approx. 2.38M pixelsInterface: LVDSPins: 94Unit cell size: 2.8 µm (H) × 2.8 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 27 to 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 10 to 12 bitApplications: Industrial applications
IMX238LQJImage size: 1/3inch-TypeThe number of effective pixels: 1305(H)x733(V), approx. 1.37M pixelsInterface: LVDSPins: 94Unit cell size: 3.75 µm (H) × 3.75 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 27 to 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 12 bitApplications: Industrial applications
IMX249 (Pregius)Number of effective pixels: 1936 (H) × 1216 (V);Approx. 2.35MPPins: 118Image output: LVDS 2
IMX250LLR/LQR (Pregius)Image size: 1/3inch-TypeNumber of effective pixels: 2464 (H) x 2056 (V),approx. 5.1M pixelsInterface: sub-LVDS SerialPins: 226Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 to 74.25 MHz; Scan Mode: Progressive ScanADC resolution: 10-bit, 12-bitOptical Diagonal: 7.7 to 11.1 mmOptical format: 2/3″Other features: Global Shutter, Chroma: Color/RGB/MonochromeApplications: Industrial applications
IMX250MZR/MYR (Polarsens)Image size: 1/3inch-TypeNumber of effective pixels: 2464 (H) x 2056 (V),approx. 5.07M pixelsPins: 226Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 8/10/12 BitOptical Diagonal: 7.7 to 11.1 mmOptical format: 2/3″Other features: Global Shutter, Chroma: Color, Monochrome, calculates the direction of polarization and the degree of polarization(DoP) based on the intensity of each directional polarization in realtime, built-in analog memory inside each pixel offers high-speed imaging of up to 163.4Applications: Industrial applicationsApplications type: Particle Inspection, Surface Scratch Detection, Distortion and Shape Recognition
IMX252 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 8.9 mm (Type 1/1.8) progressive scan modeDiagonal 7.7 mm (Type 1/2.35) Full-HD modeNumber of effective pixels: 2064 (H) × 1544 (V) approx. 3.19M pixelsPins: 226Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitOptical Diagonal: 8.9 mmOther features: Global Shutter, Chroma: Color /MonochromeApplications: Industrial applications
IMX253 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 17.6 mm (Type 1/1.1) progressive scan modeNumber of effective pixels: 4112 (H) × 3008 (V) approx. 12.37M pixelsPins: 226Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitOptical Diagonal: 17.6 mmOther features: Global Shutter, Chroma: Color /MonochromeApplications: Industrial applications
IMX255 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 16.1 mm (Type 1) progressive scan modeNumber of effective pixels: 4112 (H) × 2176 (V) approx. 8.95M pixelsPins: 226Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitOptical Diagonal: 16.1 mmOther features: Global Shutter, Chroma: Color /MonochromeApplications: Industrial applications
IMX264 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 11.1 mm (Type 2/3) progressive scan mode Diagonal 7.7 mm (Type 1/2.35) Full-HD modeNumber of effective pixels: 2464 (H) × 2056 (V) approx. 5.07M pixelsPins: 226Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 12-bitOptical Diagonal: 11.1 mmOther features: Global Shutter, Chroma: Color /MonochromeApplications: Industrial applications
IMX265 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 8.9 mm (Type 1/1.8) progressive scan mode Diagonal 7.7 mm (Type 1/2.35) Full-HD modeNumber of effective pixels: 2064 (H) × 1544 (V) approx. 3.19M pixelsPins: 226Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 12-bitOptical Diagonal: 8.9 mmOther features: Global Shutter, Chroma: Color /MonochromeApplications: Industrial applications
IMX267 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 16.1 mm (Type 1) approx.8.95M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 4112 (H) × 2176 (V) approx. 8.95M pixelsTotal Number of pixels: 4112 (H) × 2186 (V) approx. 8.99M pixelsPins: 226Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 12-bitOptical Diagonal: 16.1 mmOther features: Global Shutter, Chroma: Color /Monochrome, Built-in timing adjustment circuitApplications: FA Cameras, IST camerasPGA: Analog: 24 dB (Max.)Digital: 48 dB (Max.)Recommended lens F number: 2.8 or more (Close side)Recommended exit pupil distance: –100 mm to –∞
IMX271Image size: Diagonal 28.4 mm (Type 1.8)Number of effective pixels: 6032 (H) × 4032 (V) approx. 24.32M pixelsTotal number of pixels: 6088 (H) × 4100 (V) approx. 24.96M pixelsPins: 184Unit cell size: 3.91 µm (H) × 3.91 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 72 MHzADC resolution: 12-bit, 14-bitOptical Diagonal: 28.4 mmOther features: Rolling Shutter, Chroma: RGB, Built-in timing adjustment circuitApplications: Digital still camerasPGA: 30 dB (Max.)
IMX272Image size: Diagonal 21.7 mm (Type 4/3)Number of effective pixels: 5324 (H) × 3996 (V) approx. 21.27M pixelsTotal number of pixels: 5388 (H) × 4040 (V) approx. 21.77M pixelsPins: 194Unit cell size: 3.30 µm (H) × 3.30 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 72 MHzADC resolution: 10-bit, 12-bitOther features: Rolling Shutter, Chroma: RGB, color, Built-in timing adjustment circuitApplications: Digital still camerasPGA: 24 dB (Max.)
IMX273 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 6.3 mm (Type 1/2.9) progressive scan modeNumber of effective pixels: 1456 (H) × 1088 (V) approx. 1.58M pixelsPins: 138Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitOther features: Rolling Shutter, Chroma: Monochrome, RGBApplications: Industrial, sensing, machine vision camera applications
IMX287 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 6.3 mm (Type 1/2.9) progressive scan modeNumber of effective pixels: 728 (H) × 544 (V) approx. 0.4M pixelsPins: 138Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitOther features: Rolling Shutter, Chroma: Monochrome, ColorApplications: Industrial, sensing, machine vision camera applications
IMX296 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 6.3 mm (Type 1/2.9) progressive scan modeNumber of effective pixels: 1456 (H) × 1088 (V) approx. 1.58M pixelsPins: 138Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 10-bitOther features: Rolling Shutter, Chroma: Monochrome, RGBApplications: Industrial, sensing, machine vision camera applications
IMX297 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 6.3 mm (Type 1/2.9) progressive scan modeNumber of effective pixels: 728 (H) × 544 (V) approx. 0.4M pixelsPins: 138Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54.0 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitOther features: Rolling Shutter, Chroma: Monochrome, ColorApplications: Industrial, sensing, machine vision camera applications
IMX302 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 13.4 mm (Type 1/1.2) (WUXGA mode)Diagonal 13.0 mm (Type 1/1.23) (Full HD mode)Number of effective pixels: 1936 (H) × 1216 (V) approx. 2.35M pixelsPins: 118Unit cell size: 5.86 µm (H) × 5.86 µm (V)Image output format: Full HD scan modeInput clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 12-bitOther features: Global Shutter, capture a high-speed moving image without focal plane distortionApplications: Industrial
IMX304 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 17.6 mm (Type 1.1) approx. 12.37M pixelsTotal number of pixels: 4112 (H) × 3018 (V) approx. 12.41M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 4112 (H) × 3008 (V) approx. 12.37M pixelsPins: 226Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Output interface: Serial LVDS 8 chInput clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54 MHz/ 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 12-bitOther features: Global Shutter with variable charge-integration time, low power consumption, low dark current, low PLS characteristicPGA: Analog: 24 dBDigital: 48 dBApplications: FA cameras, ITS camerasRecommended lens F number: 2.8 or more (Close side)Recommended exit pupil distance: –100 mm to –∞
IMX305 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 16.1 mm (Type 1) approx. 8.95M pixelsTotal number of pixels: 4112 (H) × 2186 (V) approx. 8.99M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 4112 (H) × 2176 (V) approx. 8.95M pixelsPins: 226Unit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Output interface: Serial LVDS 16 chInput clock frequency: 37.125 MHz / 54 MHz/ 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 12-bitOther features: Global Shutter with variable charge-integration time, low power consumption, low dark current, low PLS characteristicPGA: Analog: 24 dBDigital: 48 dBApplications: Global shutter video, ITS camerasRecommended lens F number: 2.8 or more (Close side)Recommended exit pupil distance: –100 mm to –∞
IMX323LQNImage size: Diagonal 6.23 mm (Type 1/2.9) Approx. 2.19M pixelsPixel Type: BSITotal number of pixels: 1985 (H) x 1105 (V) approx. 2.19M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 1985 (H) × 1105 (V) approx. 2.19M pixelsImage output format: 1080p HDInput clock frequency: 37.125 MHzADC resolution: 10-bit, 12-bitChroma: ColorApplications: Surveillance Cameras
IMX342 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 27.9 mm (APS-C) approx. 31.49M pixelsTotal number of pixels: 6480 (H) x 4870 (V) approx. 31.56M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 6480 (H) × 4860 (V) approx. 31.49M pixelsUnit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Output interface: Serial 8 chInput clock frequency: 37.125 MHz/ 54 MHz/74.25 MHzADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitChroma: ColorApplications: FA Cameras, ITS cameras
IMX367 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 21.6 mm (Type 4/3)Number of effective pixels: 4432H × 4436V, approx. 19.66M pixelsTotal number of pixels: Approx. 19.70M pixels 4432H × 4436VPins: 236I/O Interface: SLVS (2 ch/ 4 ch/8 ch switching) outputSLVS-EC (1 Lane/2 Lane/4 Lane/8 Lane) outputUnit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)PGA: Analog: 24 dB (Max.)Digital: 48 dB (Max.)
IMX385LQRImage size: Diagonal 8.32 mm (Type 1/2) approx. 2.13M pixelsSensor type: Area Scan SensorTotal number of pixels: 1920 (H) x 1080 (V) approx. 2.13M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 1945 (H) × 1097 (V)Unit cell size: 3.76 µm (H) × 3.76 µm (V)Sub-LVDS, MIPI CSI-2Pins: 128Input clock frequency: 37.125 to 74.25 MHzADC resolution: 10-bit, 12-bitApplications: Industrial
IMX387 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 21.7 mm (Type 4/3) approx. 16.88M pixelsTotal number of pixels: 5472 (H) x 3094 (V) approx. 16.93M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 5472 (H) × 3084 (V) approx. 16.88M pixelsUnit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Output interface: SLVS 8 chPins: 236Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz/ 54 MHz/74.25 MHzADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitApplications: FA Cameras, ITS cameras
IMX388 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 2.79 mm (Type 1/6.4) approx. 0.32M pixelsTotal number of pixels: 648(H) x 488(V) approx. 0.32M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 648(H) x 488(V) approx. 0.32M pixelsUnit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Image Optical format: 1/6.4″Interface: 2-wirePins: 236Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz/ 54 MHz/74.25 MHzADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitApplications: PC Camera, Tablet PC Camera, Mobile Phone
IMX392 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 7.9 mm (Type 1/2.3) approx. 2.35M pixelsTotal number of pixels: 1936 (H) x 1226 (V) approx. 2.37M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 1936 (H) x 1216 (V) approx. 2.35M pixelsUnit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Output interface: Serial LVDS 8 chPins: 236Input clock frequency: 37.125 MHz/ 54 MHz/74.25 MHzADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitApplications: FA Cameras, ITS camera
IMX397CLN (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 2.79 mm (Type 1/6.4) approx. 0.33M pixels (VGA)Sensor type: Area Scan SensorTotal number of pixels: 656 (H) x 496 (V) approx. 0.33M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 648 (H) × 488 (V) approx. 0.33M pixelsUnit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Interface: 2-wireInput clock frequency: 37.125 to 54 MHz; Scan Mode: Vertical, HorizontalPGA: Analog: 18 dB (max)Digital: 24 dB (max)ADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bitOther features: Shutter: Global Shutter, Electronic Shutter; Chroma: Monochrome, B/WApplications: B/W Cameras
IMX418 (Pregius)Image size: 5.0 mm (1/3.6-type) 1 MP CMOS image sensor capable of Multi Sensor Connection for Sensing ApplicationsTotal number of pixels: 1016 (H) x 1016 (V) approx 1M pixelsUnit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Interface: MIPIPins: 128Input clock frequency: 37.125 to 54 MHz; Scan Mode: Vertical, HorizontalADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bitOther features: Global Shutter,1:1 aspect ratio, Chief ray angle (CRA): 34.8 DegreeApplications: Sensing Applications
IMX419CLN (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 4.957 mm (Type 1/3.63) 1.03 Megapixel CMOS Image Sensor with Square Pixel for B/W CamerasTotal number of pixels: 1016 (H) x 1016 (V)approx. 1.03M pixelsUnit cell size: 3.45 µm (H) × 3.45 µm (V)Interface: CSI-2Pins: 128ADC resolution: 10-bitShutter: Global ShutterApplications: FA Cameras
IMX420 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 17.6 mm (Type 1.1) approx. 7.10MTotal number of pixels: 3126 (H) x 2232 (V)approx. 7.18M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 3126 (H) x 2208 (V)approx. 7.10M pixelsUnit cell size: 4.5 µm (H) × 4.5 µm (V)Interface: SLVS 8 chPins: 226ADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitInput clock frequency: 37.125 MHz/ 74.25 MHz/ 54 MHzOther features: Global Shutter with variable charge integration time, Built-in timing adjustment circuit, H/V driver and serial communication circuit, low dark current, low PLS characteristicApplications: FA Cameras, ITS Cameras
IMX421 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 11.0 mm (Type 2/3) approx. 2.86MTotal number of pixels: 1944 (H) x 1496 (V)approx. 2.90M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 1944 (H) x 1472 (V)approx. 2.86M pixelsUnit cell size: 4.5 µm (H) × 4.5 µm (V)Interface: SLVS 4 ch/ 8 chPins: 226ADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitInput clock frequency: 37.125 MHz/ 74.25 MHz/ 54 MHzOther features: Global Shutter with variable charge integration time, Built-in timing adjustment circuit, H/V driver and serial communication circuit, low dark current, low PLS characteristicPGA: Analog: 24 dB max.Digital: 48 dB max.Applications: FA Cameras, ITS Cameras
IMX422 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 9.2 mm (Type 1/1.7) approx. 2.03MTotal number of pixels: 1632 (H) x 1272 (V)approx. 2.07M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 1632 (H) x 1248 (V)approx. 2.03M pixelsUnit cell size: 4.5 µm (H) × 4.5 µm (V)Interface: SLVS 4 ch/8 chPins: 226ADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitOther features: Global Shutter, Built-in timing adjustment circuit, low dark current, low PLS characteristicApplications: FA Cameras, ITS Cameras
IMX425 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 17.6 mm (Type 1.1) approx. 1.78MTotal number of pixels: 1608 (H) x 1136 (V)approx. 1.83M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 1608 (H) x 1104 (V)approx. 1.78M pixelsUnit cell size: 9.0 µm (H) × 9.0 µm (V)Interface: SLVS 8 chPins: 226ADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitPGA: Analog: 24 dB max.Digital: 48 dB max.Input frequency: 37.125 MHz/74.25 MHz/54 MHzOther features: Global Shutter with variable charge-integration time, Built-in timing adjustment circuit, H/V driver and serial communication circuit, low dark current, low PLS characteristicApplications: FA Cameras, ITS CamerasRecommended lens F number: 2.8 or more (Close side)Recommended exit pupil distance: –100 mm to –∞
IMX426 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 9.2 mm (Type1/ 1.7) approx. 0.51MTotal number of pixels: 816 (H) x 656 (V)approx. 0.54M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 816 (H) x 624 (V)approx. 0.51M pixelsUnit cell size: 9.0 µm (H) × 9.0 µm (V)Interface: SLVS (2ch/4 ch/8 ch switching)Pins: 226ADC resolution: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bitPGA: Analog: 24 dB max.Digital: 48 dB max.Input frequency: 37.125 MHz/74.25 MHz/54 MHzOther features: Global Shutter with variable charge-integration time, Built-in timing adjustment circuit, H/V driver and serial communication circuit, low dark current, low PLS characteristicApplications: FA Cameras, ITS CamerasRecommended lens F number: 2.8 or more (Close side)Recommended exit pupil distance: –100 mm to –∞
IMX428 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 17.6 mm (Type 1.1) approx. 7.10MTotal number of pixels: 3216 (H) x 2224 (V)approx. 7.15M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 3216 (H) x 2208 (V)approx. 7.10M pixelsUnit cell size: 4.5 µm (H) × 4.5 µm (V)Interface: SLVS (4 ch/8 ch switching)Pins: 226ADC resolution: 12-bitPGA: Analog: 24 dB max.Digital: 48 dB max.Input frequency: 37.125 MHz/74.25 MHz/54 MHzOther features: Global Shutter with variable charge-integration time, Built-in timing adjustment circuit, H/V driver and serial communication circuit, low dark current, low PLS characteristicApplications: FA Cameras, ITS CamerasRecommended lens F number: 2.8 or more (Close side)Recommended exit pupil distance: –100 mm to –∞
IMX429 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 11.0 mm (Type 2/3) approx. 2.86MTotal number of pixels: 1944 (H) x 1488 (V)approx. 2.89M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 1944 (H) x 1472 (V)approx. 2.86M pixelsUnit cell size: 4.5 µm (H) × 4.5 µm (V)Interface: SLVS (2 ch/4 ch switching)Pins: 226ADC resolution: 12-bitPGA: Analog: 24 dB max.Digital: 48 dB max.Input frequency: 37.125 MHz/74.25 MHz/54 MHzOther features: Global Shutter with variable charge-integration time, Built-in timing adjustment circuit, H/V driver and serial communication circuit, low dark current, low PLS characteristicApplications: FA Cameras, ITS CamerasRecommended lens F number: 2.8 or more (Close side)Recommended exit pupil distance: –100 mm to –∞
IMX430 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 9.2 mm (Type 1/1.7) approx. 2.03MTotal number of pixels: 1632 (H) x 1264 (V)approx. 2.06M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 1632 (H) x 1248 (V)approx. 2.03M pixelsUnit cell size: 4.5 µm (H) × 4.5 µm (V)Interface: SLVS (2 ch/4 ch switching)Pins: 226ADC resolution: 12-bitPGA: Analog: 24 dB max.Digital: 48 dB max.Input frequency: 37.125 MHz/74.25 MHz/54 MHzOther features: Global Shutter with variable charge-integration time, Built-in timing adjustment circuit, H/V driver and serial communication circuit, low dark current, low PLS characteristicApplications: FA Cameras, ITS CamerasRecommended lens F number: 2.8 or more (Close side)Recommended exit pupil distance: –100 mm to –∞
IMX432 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 17.6 mm (Type 1.1) approx. 1.78MTotal number of pixels: 1608 (H) x 1136 (V)approx. 1.83M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 1608 (H) x 1104 (V)approx. 1.78M pixelsUnit cell size: 9.0 µm (H) × 9.0 µm (V)Interface: SLVS (2 ch/4 ch switching)Pins: 226ADC resolution: 12-bitPGA: Analog: 24 dB max.Digital: 48 dB max.Input frequency: 37.125 MHz/74.25 MHz/54 MHzOther features: Global Shutter with variable charge-integration time, Built-in timing adjustment circuit, H/V driver and serial communication circuit, low dark current, low PLS characteristicApplications: FA Cameras, ITS CamerasRecommended lens F number: 2.8 or more (Close side)Recommended exit pupil distance: –100 mm to –∞
IMX433 (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 9.2 mm (Type 1/1.7) approx. 0.51MTotal number of pixels: 816 (H) x 656 (V)approx. 0.54M pixelsNumber of effective pixels: 816 (H) x 624 (V)approx. 0.51M pixelsUnit cell size: 9.0 µm (H) × 9.0 µm (V)Interface: SLVS (2 ch switching)Pins: 226ADC resolution: 12-bitPGA: Analog: 24 dB max.Digital: 48 dB max.Input frequency: 37.125 MHz/74.25 MHz/54 MHzOther features: Global Shutter with variable charge-integration time, Built-in timing adjustment circuit, H/V driver and serial communication circuit, low dark current, low PLS characteristicApplications: FA Cameras, ITS CamerasRecommended lens F number: 2.8 or more (Close side)Recommended exit pupil distance: –100 mm to –∞
IMX437LQJ (Pregius)Image size: Diagonal 11 mm approx. 2.86MTotal number of pixels: 1944(H) x 1496(V) approx. 2.9M pixelsUnit cell size: 4.5 µm (H) × 4.5 µm (V)Interface: SLVS 8 ch, SLVS – EC 8 LanePins: 226ADC resolution: 12-bitInput frequency: 37.125 MHz to 54 MHzOther features: Global Shutter, Square Pixel ArrayApplications: FA Cameras, ITS Cameras

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Comparing Sony IMX866 vs IMX766 Specifications

The launch of the new Sony 800 series sensors has ushered in a new range of flagship devices. The new 50 MP sensor from Sony, the IMX866, has been considered a game-changer in more ways than one. In today’s post, we will check the differences and similarities between the Sony IMX866 and Sony IMX766 image sensors.
Also Read: ISOCELL HMX vs IMX686

The Sony IMX866 – The Sneak Peek

A few recent leaks have indicated that the new IMX 800 series image sensors are bound to grace the new-age flagship devices. The next generation 50 MP sensor should provide you access to one of the unique experiences in getting access to a great experience par excellence.It is the upgraded version of the IMX766 sensor and provides access to an RGBW pixel-matrix instead of RGGB as in the 766. The sensor comes with a 50-megapixel RGBW large bottom primary camera. The native format offered by the sensor is 16:11, and the sensor size reads 1/1.49-inches.The best point or factor in its favor would be it offers you a dual-frame sensor functionality. You would get a 16:11 format with a sensor size of 1/1.49-inch, while a 4:3 crop is 1/1.56-inch. It is an RGBW sensor, and thus the intake of light would be much more significant. That should make it a massive upgrade by several counts.

The Sony IMX766 sensor – An Overview

The Sony IMX766 sensor has been one of the excellent options for providing you with one of the incredible experiences on the OnePlus Nord 2. The sensor was one of the unique options for enjoying a genuinely formidable photography experience on the flagship devices.The camera sensor from Sony is expected to capture the light to up to 56 percent. This can go a long way in helping you improve the colors, sharpness, and shooting in low light conditions. The sensor is equipped with a 50 MP sensor which is optically stabilized. The sensor size reads 1 / 1.56 inches large and comes with 1.0 μm pixels.

The phones equipped with Sony IMX866

The Sony IMX866 is the newest sensor from the Japanese manufacturer and is set to provide you access to a great degree of experience on flagship devices. However, you would not find many devices equipped with the sensor.As things stand now, the Sony IMX866 will only be available on the Vivo X80. The sensor on the Vivo smartphone can be efficient and helpful in helping you capture more light and is supported by a custom image processing algorithm on the V1+ chip. The manufacturer has gone on record that the smartphone will be a great option for one of the excellent experiences in terms of advanced technological advancements in the camera department.

The Phones with Sony IMX766

The Sony IMX766 predates the IMX866 sensors. That would mean you would find that the sensor is available on a wide range of devices.Some of the smartphones that come equipped with the sensor would include
  • Oppo Reno5 Pro+
  • OnePlus Nord 2
  • Realme GT Neo 3
  • OnePlus 10R
  • Oppo K10 Pro
  • OnePlus Ace
  • Realme GT 2 Pro
  • Xiaomi 12X
  • Xiaomi 12
  • Vivo X70t
  • Oppo Find N
  • OnePlus 9RT
  • Oppo Reno 7 Pro
  • Huawei Nova 9
  • Huawei Nova 9 Pro
  • Vivo X70 Pro
  • Vivo X70
  • Oppo Reno 6 Pro
  • Honor Magic 3
  • Vivo iQOO 8 Pro
  • Realme GT Flash
  • OnePlus Nord 2
  • Realme GT Master Explorer Edition
  • Oppo Find X3 Pro
  • Oppo Reno 6 Pro+
  • Oppo Find X3
  • Oppo Find X3 Neo
  • Honor V40

The specifications for the Sony IMX866 and Sony IMX766 image sensors

Having checked out the best options available on the Sony IMX866 and Sony IMX766 sensors, let us now have a comparison table for the two sensors so that you can get a fair idea of what you will likely get.
FeaturesSony IMX866Sony IMX766
  • RGGB
  • RGBW filter
Resolution50 MP50 x 6144, 50 Mega-pixels
Matrix sizeNA8.19 mm x 6.14 mm, Diagonal: 45.51 inch
Pixel size1 micron, 2 microns after pixel binning1 micron, 2 microns after pixel binning
Sensor size1/1.49 (Video with 16:11 aspect ratio )1/1.56 inches for 4:3 crop (Photos)1/1.56 inches (all circumstances)

The Concluding Thoughts

The Sony IMX766 and IMX866 image sensors come with their plus points. The IMX866 is one of the excellent options with the latest developments and enhancements. You would find it gracing the new flagships you would come up with in the coming days.Of course, as final consumers, we do not have a choice in picking the IMX866 or IMX766 as our preferred image sensor. The decision is left to the smartphone manufacturers, and the information contained here should be an excellent choice to gain good knowledge.

More in Image Sensors:

Ezviz C8C vs C8C Lite vs C3N – Specs Comparison

Suppose you are looking for the best outdoor security camera for protecting your home or office.
Also Read: Best security Cameras with Battery in-built – 4G LTE
The most suitable home security cameras can provide a bit extra peace of mind by giving you a separate set of eyes both in and outside your house. These cameras work both day and night and transmit you an alert on your phone when they detect somebody or something.However, there are a bunch of cameras on the market, so picking the best for your objectives can be tricky. In today’s post, we will compare the security cameras from EzViz, i.e., Ezviz c8c, c8c Lite, and c3n.

Ezviz C8C vs C8C Lite vs C3N – Comparison Table


EzViz C8C

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EzViz C8C Lite

Check on Amazon

EzViz C3N

Check on Amazon

Image sensor1/2.7″ Progressive Scan CMOS1/2.7″ Progressive Scan CMOS1/2.7″ Progressive Scan CMOS
Max resolution1920 x 10801920 × 10801920 × 1080
Frame rateMax:30 fps; Self-Adaptive during network transmissionMax: 30fps; Self-Adaptive during network transmissionMax: 30 fps; Self-adaptive during network transmission
Video compressionH.265 / H.264H.265 / H.264H.264 / H.265
Video bit rateUltra-HD; Hi-Def; Standard. Adaptive bit rate.Ultra-HD; Hi-Def; Standard. Adaptive bit rate.Ultra-HD; HD; Standard. Adaptive bit rate.
Wi-Fi standardIEEE802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11nIEEE802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11nIEEE802.11 b/g/n
Security64 / 128-bit WEP, WPA / WPA2, WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK64/128-bit WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK64 / 128-bit WEP, WPA / WPA2, WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
Water resistanceIP65Weatherproof, not specifiedIP67

EzViz C8C – A Concise review

The affordable and weather-resistant options offered by the Ezviz C8C Outdoor Pan/Tilt Camera should be the right choice for protecting your home or office. The support for mechanical pan and tilt controls would give you better control over your camera performance. It can work seamlessly with smart home devices and provides a sharp recording.However, the camera lacks two-way communication, which can be bothersome. The camera also provides you with a round, black-and-white IP65 weather-resistant enclosure. The mounting bracket is what would make it an excellent option to install on a wall or even an overhang.The camera can swivel up to 352 degrees and tilt it up to 95 degrees. Some features of the security camera include adjustable Wi-Fi antennas, a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi radio, and a weather-protected MicroSD card slot.The app used for the Ezviz C8C camera remains the same as the one used for Ezviz DB1C Wi-Fi Video Doorbell and the Ezviz C3X Outdoor Camera. Installing and setting up the camera is quite simple and easy.As soon as you install and set up the camera, you will begin enjoying a detailed 1080p video. The videos during the day are in color and are pretty vibrant and saturated. The night pictures, which are in black and white, are crisp enough and quite bright enough.The motion alerts and mechanical pan and tilt operations are pretty responsive.Pros
  • A very reasonable and affordable price
  • A sharper HD quality video
  • Responsive mechanical pan and tilt operations
  • No two-way audio feature
  • Cannot stream to smart audio devices

Ezviz C8C Lite – A Sneak Peek

There is not much difference between the Ezviz C8C and C8C Lite, and the two come with almost similar features. The 360-degree security camera can be an excellent option in providing you with outstanding performance excellence.The motorized pan and tilt for the 360-degree coverage are what would provide you with one of the most excellent functions. The AI-powered human figure detection is what you would find unique in several ways. The flexible pan and tilt design should distinguish it from the rest.The camera provides you with a 1080p video quality. The storage support with a microSD card for up to 256 GB can make it a good choice for crystal clear images and videos. The audio pick feature on the camera is yet another good option for the security camera. The camera offers you a 352-degree horizontal and 95-degree vertical tilt, and pan operations can give you a good performance.The super night vision of up to 30 meters (100 feet) is set to provide precise details of what is around you. The elegant and durable design gives you a round and compact design. The stylish design makes it look great irrespective of where you have installed them. The weatherproof design can protect entirely from wind, rain, or snow.

Ezviz C3N – An overview

The Ezviz C3N is a budget Wi-Fi outdoor security camera, and you would find it offering you one of the most decent security camera alternatives. The excellent night vision provided by the camera can further make it a formidable choice. Despite being a camera worthy of being the best in its class, it offers you bargain-worthy pricing.The full HD camera with waterproof functionality should make it a prime choice. The base functionality and connectivity provided by the camera are pretty exciting and powerful. Installation is simple and easy, and you can also be assured that it is pretty intense when you look at the build quality.The black and night vision offered by the camera is unique. You would find lower levels of grains in the footage, and the IR LEDs can be strong enough to provide crystal clear imagery. The motion detection has an automatic mode wherein the night vision switches to color as soon as it detects a motion.The IP66 waterproof design is a bit above the other security cameras in a similar genre. The camera also offers you a 110-degree viewing angle and a 1080p video capture capability.The built-in noise-canceling microphone provides you with clearer audio of up to 16 feet, even in a noisy environment. The two infrared LEDs offer you 100 feet of automatically activated night vision.The camera provides you with intelligent motion-detection zones and notification options. The camera also comes with multiple storage options. You can use a microSD card of up to 256 GB or opt for EZVIZ NVR (network video recorder, sold separately for $230).Pros
  • Excellent video and audio quality
  • Customizable motion detection capability
  • Ease of installation.
  • Handles all the light levels efficiently.
  • Software may not be up to the mark
  • Wired power supply only

The Concluding Thoughts

The three security cameras from the brand Ezviz have been quite effective in providing a great experience dealing with robust security for your home and office environments. The comparison between Ezviz C8C, C8C Lite, and C3N, as outlined in this post, should help you pick the right choices per your individual preferences.All three Ezviz cameras have their plus points, and you can choose the ones per your need-based requirements.

Comparison of ISOCELL S5KGM1 vs GM1 vs GM2 – Specs and Differences

ISOCELL CMOS camera sensors from Samsung are helpful for a wide range of products, including digital cameras, mobile phones, computers, and more. These sensors use pixel-type technologies, including FSI (frontside-illuminated), BSI (backside-illuminated), ISOCELL, ISOCELL Plus, and ISOCELL 2.0. Out of many image sensors from Samsung, some of the most notable ones are ISOCEL S5KGM1, GM1, and GM2.
Also Read: Samsung ISOCELL JN1 vs GN1 vs GN5
Demand for high-resolution, ultra-small image sensors is increasing as smartphones evolve to convey new and exciting camera experiences. The introduction of cutting-edge 0.8μm pixel Samsung ISOCELL S5KGM1, GM1, and GM2 image sensors make sure Samsung is committed to providing innovation in image sensor technologies.Let’s first look at the details of each of these image sensors and then go through their comparison:


This ISOCELL image sensor allows slim mobile devices to provide leading camera performance with vivid color and rich detail. Smart WDR and Tetrapixel technologies in this sensor offer excellent color reproduction and light sensitivity.Also, this sensor is widespread for presenting fast and precise focus. Though the pixel size is small, i.e., 0.8 μm, they are high-performing pixels that offer high resolution in slim devices.

List of phones equipped with ISOCELL S5KGM1 image sensor:

  • Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite
  • Samsung Galaxy A90 5G
  • Samsung Galaxy M30s
  • Fairphone 3+
  • Lenovo Z6 Pro
  • Meizu 16Xs/Note 9
  • Oppo A93
  • Oppo F11/F11 Pro
  • Oppo F17 Pro
  • Poco M3Motorola One Fusion
  • Motorola One Vision
  • Realme 7 5G
  • Realme V5 5G
  • Redmi Note 7
  • Redmi Note 8
  • Redmi Note 9
  • Vivo iQOO Neo3
  • Vivo iQOO Z1
  • ZTE Axon 10 Pro


  • ISOCELL Bright’s Tetrapixel technology significantly enhances light sensitivity in dim light conditions. It combines four adjacent pixels to function as one large pixel.
  • ISOCELL Plus pixel type conveys color accurate, crystal-clear photos although there is dim light condition.
  • ISOCELL Plus substitutes that metal barrier with an advanced new material developed by Fujifilm, which reduces light reflection and optical loss.
  • The Smart WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) feature offers multiple exposures in one shot. Consequently, it presents excellent detail for both dark and bright areas.
  • With the advanced PDAF (Phase Detecting Auto Focus), the sensor recognizes the distance of fast-moving objects, although the light condition is dim. This leads to accurate and fast auto-focusing.
  • The 3-stack FRS (Fast Readout Sensor) offers high-speed captures at Full HD video recording.


The ISOCELL GM1 image sensor supports 48 MP resolution and provides 12 MP (Pixel binning) output for capturing bright photos. It is implemented with Tetrapixel technology and comes with intelligent WDR support.Tetracell technology merges four adjacent pixels to function as a single giant pixel that offers increased light sensitivity equivalent to a 1.6 μm pixel image sensor. Moreover, Tetrapixel technology provides brighter, sharper image output in low light conditions.Owing to the reduced pixel size, this sensor offers excellent design flexibility. So, it allows manufacturers to build small modules or pack plenty of pixels into existing designs. Based on the latest pixel isolation technology from Samsung, the ISOCELL Plus pixel type optimizes performance specifically for smaller-dimension pixels. So, the sensor is a perfect solution for super-resolution cameras.


  • ISOCELL Plus technology significantly increases light sensitivity and color fidelity of 0.8um pixels for more accurate photos.
  • With the implementation of the Tetrapixel technology, this sensor’s big pixel helps it capture bright pictures. The remosaic algorithm generates detailed 12 MP high-resolution images.
  • The smart WDR technology assists the sensor in capturing vibrant photos with fine details irrespective of lighting conditions.
  • There is support for the Gyro-based electronic image stabilization (EIS) that provides rapid and precise image capture.


This Samsung image sensor depicts fine details with lifelike colors. It is an ultra-high 48 MP image sensor that provides excellent light sensitivity with Tetrapixel/Remosaic technology. Though the pixel size is small, it conveys high-resolution performance.ISOCELL Plus technology utilizes unique wall material, decreasing light reflection and optical light. So, the sensor can receive more light in sub-micro-sized pixels as well. Consequently, the sensor can pack 48 million 0.8 μm pixels and convey picture output with high color fidelity. Night shots captured with a device having this sensor appear bright and sharp.


  • Tetrapixel technology combines four adjacent 0.8 μm pixels to work as a single 1.6 μm pixel. So, the image sensor’s light sensitivity is increased by four times, which helps it to capture 12 MP images in dim light conditions.
  • In a bright outdoor environment, the Remosaic algorithm implemented in this sensor re-arranges the color filter array to the RGB Bayer pattern. So, the sensor can capture highly detailed 48 MP photographs.
  • Super-PD AF focuses on using a unique oval lens over two pixels to function as one of several phases detecting agents within the sensor. Super-PD AF makes sure they are sharper, whether subjects are still or moving.
  • Smart-ISO offers an optimal dynamic range with less noise. It employs light to an electric signal converting system that adapts the conversion depending on the darkness or brightness of the environment.
  • Through Smart-ISO, images captured in a low-lit environment have more detail and less noise. They appear more vibrant in outdoor conditions.
  • The sWDR pattern receives and processes two diverse exposure sets for real-time HDR.
  • Through multi-exposure processing, images captured wherein light and dark areas co-exist will still appear sharp with enough brightness.


ISOCELL Bright’s Tetrapixel technologyTetracell technologyTetrapixel technologySensor Technology
48 MP48 MP50 MPResolution
0.8 μm0.8 μm0.8 μmPixel size
Tetrapixel RGB Bayer PatternTetrapixel RGB Bayer PatternColor filter
1/2″1/2″1/2″Optical format
30 fpsUp to 30fps @12M fullUp to 10fps @full (Tetrapixel RGB Bayer), 30fps @12M (Bayer)Normal frame rate
Up to 120fps @FHD, 240fps @HDUp to 240fps @FHDVideo frame rate
Electronic rolling shutter and global resetElectronic rolling shutter and global resetShutter type
10-bits10 bitsADC accuracy
MIPI 4 Lane RAWMIPI 4 Lane RAWMIPI 4 Lane RAWInterface
PDAFPDAFSuper-PD (PDAF)Autofocus
RAW8 (using DPCM/PCM compression), RAW10RAW8 (using DPCM/PCM compression), RAW10Output formats
-20 to +70-20 to +70Operating temperature
2.8V for Analog, 1.8V or 2.8V for I/O, and 1.05V for digital core supply2.8V for Analog, 1.8V for I/O, and 1.05V for digital core supplySupply Voltage
x16x32Analog gain
Smart WDRSmart WDRSmart WDRWDR

Concluding Note:

When it comes to light sensitivity, irrespective of the lighting condition, the ISOCELL S5KGM1 is a better choice to consider. If you want to capture high-resolution, vibrant images with rich details, the ISOCELL GM1 is a better choice of the three discussed image sensors. If you want to get sharp image output with fast, precise autofocus, the ISOCELL GM2 is a better choice.

Samsung ISOCELL HMX vs IMX686 – Specs Comparison

To present detailed image output, the sensor in your smartphone should have a large pixel size. The Samsung ISOCELL HMX and IMX686 sensors have large pixel dimensions to deliver precise and sharper image output.
Also Read: Samsung ISOCELL HMX vs IMX686
Moreover, both of them come with excellent light absorption efficiency. Despite boasting several similarities, there are specific noticeable differences between these two image sensors. Let’s first look at the details of each of them and then look at the comparison:


Samsung ISOCELL HMX is a unique ultra-high 108 MP mobile image sensor implemented with cutting-edge pixel technologies like Smart-ISO and ISOCELL Plus. These technologies let the sensor generate sharp images with excellent color fidelity.With 108 million pixels, this sensor captures and produces well-defined images showcasing fine details. These many pixels contribute to a single image so that a photo can remain sharp, although cropped or zoomed in. The sensor uses tiny 0.8 μm -sized pixels to incorporate such a huge number of pixels (1.6 μm when binned together).This Samsung sensor is the first mobile image sensor that adopts a huge 1/1.33-inch size. So, it can absorb more light compared to smaller sensors. The light absorption efficiency is high, although there is dim light around. This is why this sensor is an ideal choice for those who are looking to capture professional-grade photography.To capture and generate color appropriately, all small 0.8 μm-sized pixel needs to absorb adequate light information without getting tainted by adjacent pixels. The ISOCELL HMX pixels are implemented with Samsung’s ISOCELL Plus technology for precise color reproduction. It is a cutting-edge pixel isolation technology that reduces cross-talk and optical loss by applying a barrier across each pixel.

List of phones with Samsung ISOCELL HMX sensor:

  • Xiaomi Mi Note 10
  • Mi Mix Alpha (Draco)
  • Mi Note 10 Pro (Tucana)
  • Mi 10 (umi)
  • Mi 10 Pro (cmi)


  • The gain assists in enhancing picture quality, specifically in low-light environments, but a fixed single native ISO comes with its limits. So, this sensor is designed with two native ISOs -a low and a high ISO. So, more flexibility is offered in the amount of gain provided.
  • Smart-ISO technology smartly chooses the level of amplifier gains per the environment’s illumination. It works on the optimal light-to-electric signal conversion, giving your camera more versatility in different light settings.
  • Once the light information is obtained by the pixels, it passes through a signal amplifier or a fixed amount of analog gain. Subsequently, it is transformed into a digital signal through ADC (analog-digital converter).
  • For improved low-light photography, this sensor transforms the 0.8 μm pixels into 1.6 μm pixels through Tetrapixel technology. This technology blends adjacent four pixels to function as a single pixel. Though merging decreases to 27 MP from 108 MP, the converted 1.6 μm pixels enhance the sensor’s light sensitivity. So, output appears better in dim light conditions.
  • Super-PD autofocus, the latest phase detecting autofocus solution, provides accurate and fast focusing on still or swift-moving objects, although the light setting is dim.
  • The shutter type is electronic rolling shutter and global reset.
  • ADC accuracy is 10-bits.
  • The range of operating temperature is -20 to +70.
  • The output format is RAW10.
  • The analog gain is x32.

Sony IMX686:

The Sony IMX686 is a 64 MP camera sensor having a pixel resolution of 9248 x 6944. It can capture images with real-time HDR support. Moreover, it measures 1/1.7-inch in size and is paired with a 1.6 μm pixel dimension. Some of the features of IMX686 are identical to Samsung’s GW1 sensor that was available on Redmi Note 8 Pro and several other phones.This Sony sensor supports image plane phase-difference AF and HDR imaging. It owns the ability to capture vivid, low-noise photos and videos during dim light conditions. The IMX686 boasts a four times higher dynamic range compared to previous sensors.In low light conditions, this sensor may not be efficient. But, because the superpixels of the IMX686 chiefly rely on efficient algorithms to reduce noise, noticeable advances in software will be observed in the near future.

List of phones with Samsung ISOCELL HMX sensor:

  • Xiaomi Redmi K30
  • Xiaomi Redmi K30 5G
  • Oppo Reno 3
  • Oppo Reno 3 Pro


  • Total effective pixel, i.e., 64 MP, is based on the image sensor effective pixel specification technique.
  • The Quad Bayer color filter array creates a 16 MP high-resolution binned image with a pixel size of 1.6μm.
  • High resolution and high sensitivity are offered with the Quad Bayer array.
  • The Quad Bayer color filter combines 2×2 adjacent pixels to create a single large pixel. Hence, pictures with 12 MP and 16 MP resolution are created.
  • The 4-in-1 pixel-binning process amplifies the actual edge length of each pixel, from 0.8 µm to 1.6 µm. This means more light absorption that leads to detailed image capturing.
  • 2×2 On-Chip Lens (OCL) solution uses a condenser lens at the top of four neighboring pixels arranged in a Quad Bayer color filter array. This system enhances phase detection and offers high accuracy for tiny objects. Also, this increases the focus performance in low-light environments.
  • The latest sensor technology allows the sensor to enhance low-light capturing ability. It does this by increasing the light utilization factor.

Comparison of Samsung ISOCELL HMX vs IMX686:

FeaturesSamsung ISOCELL HMXSony IMX686
Resolution12,032 x 9,024 (108M)64 MP (9248 x 6944)
Pixel size0.8 μm0.8 μm to 1.6 μm (pixel binning)
Pixel typeISOCELL PlusExmor RS sensors
Color filterTetrapixel RGB Bayer PatternQuad Bayer color filter
Optical format1/1.33″1/1.7″9.3 mm(1/1.94″)18(1/1.72″)16
Normal frame rateUp to 10 fps @ fullUp to 240 fps @ full
Video frame rateUp to 148 fps @1080pUp to 60 fps @4K
Shutter typeElectronic Rolling Shutter and Global Reset
ADC accuracy10-bits
InterfaceMIPI 4 Lane RAW
AutofocusSuper-PD (PDAF)PDAF
Output formatsRAW10Bayer RAW (Quad BayerRGB)
Analog gainx32

Concluding Note:

When it comes to low-light photography, Samsung ISOCELL HMX is more suitable than the IMX686 sensor. In terms of high dynamic range, high-resolution video recording, and high absorption ability, IMX686 is a better choice.In terms of accurate color reproduction, low optical loss, and fast autofocus performance, ISOCELL HMX is a better choice.

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Samsung ISOCELL JN1 vs GN1 vs GN5 – Specs Comparison

The image sensors from Samsung are well-known for outstanding camera performance with advanced autofocus technology. Samsung released three of the best image sensors in this regard. They are ISOCELL JN1, GN1, and GN5. Let’s go through the details of each of these image sensors and then look at their comparison:Also Read: Comparing ISOCELL GN5 vs OmniVision OV50A
 ISOCELL combines 3D-BSI with Front-side, Full-depth, Deep-Trench Isolation (F-DTI), and Vertical Transfer Gate (VTG). This provides increased light sensitivity and higher color fidelity even in inadequate lighting situations.

Samsung ISOCELL JN1:

ISOCELL JN1 is Samsung’s first image sensor that features 0.64μm pixels and packs in 50 MP resolution. It comes in an ultra-slim package for portability. You will observe unique details and vivid colors in every photo you capture.


  • Implemented with the ISOCELL 2.0, an advanced pixel isolation technology, this sensor provides enhanced color fidelity and light sensitivity.
  • Whether it’s daytime or nighttime, this sensor captures crystal-clear images and videos due to the Tetrapixel technology.
  • Especially in dim light environments, it can collect sufficient light from conveying clear and crisp night shots. With the Double Super PD, this sensor quickly focuses even in dark backgrounds. Therefore, you can easily capture swift-moving subjects.
  • With the perfect balance of highlights and shadows, the HDR technology ensures your photos appear lifelike.
  • There is the use of inter-scene HDR, which is the latest HDR technology that conveys enhanced dynamic range.
  • With the high frame rate recordings, this sensor preserves every detail.
  • The cinematic 4K video recording supports a 60-fps frame rate that allows the sensor to capture your favorite moments in stunning detail.

Samsung ISOCELL GN1:

With the best-in-class Dual Pixel technology, Samsung’s ISOCELL GN1 conveys supreme autofocus performance. This results in detailed and accurate images. With the Tetrapixel technology, this 50 MP image sensor can capture outstanding photos anywhere, anytime.This sensor accepts light information from every photodiode to generate a 100 MP resolution image through a software algorithm. It can immediately lock in on an object or area and develop sharp photos. The 1.2 μm sized pixels are implemented with exceptional light sensitivity. They generate true-to-life photographs.


  • Dual Pixel technology increases the speed and improves the accuracy of the autofocus capabilities. So, users can quickly get crisp and clear pictures.
  • Every pixel in this sensor contains two photodiodes. This feature allows the component to implement ultra-fast autofocus and capture moving objects irrespective of whether they are covered in the frame.
  • Tetrapixel technology lets the sensor maximize the benefits of huge pixels. It blends four adjacent pixels into a single 2.4 μm sized pixel. So, the light sensitivity increases by four times. Due to bigger pixels, the sensor can capture blur-free images in a dimly lit environment.
  • ISOCELL Plus implements a cutting-edge material to maximize the partition of individual pixels. During that, it optimizes their light absorption abilities via the micro-lens.
  • With minimum light reflection and optical loss, this sensor conveys significant improvements in light sensitivity and color reproduction. So, the high-resolution photography features naturalistic tones and shades.
  • Native-ISO decides how much sensitivity the sensor is to light. The high native ISO is more suitable for low-lit settings, whereas the low native ISO is more suitable for bright environments.
  • The Smart-ISO technology enables automatic shooting with the low native-ISO in bright settings. It switches to high native-ISO when you shoot in darker environments. Hence, photos will always feature optimal dynamic range in dark and colorful backgrounds, with reduced noise.
  • Real-time HDR enables the sensor to rapidly generate stunning images and videos with a high dynamic range. This technology lets the sensor preview and capture scenes in dim light environments in several exposures simultaneously. Ultimately, it produces HDR images in real-time.

Samsung ISOCELL GN5:

With the ultra-fast autofocus technology of the ISOCELL GN5 sensor, you are guaranteed stunning photographs.This super-slim 50MP sensor is the industry’s first 1.0 μm image sensor to implement Dual Pixel Pro technology. With this technology, this sensor always preserves every detail of your memories. It is an all-directional autofocusing technology that significantly enhances autofocusing abilities. You can effortlessly create blur-free, detailed images of swift-moving objects with fast, accurate autofocus.


  • Two photodiodes are placed in every 1.0 μm pixel. They are placed vertically or horizontally to identify pattern changes in every direction.
  • The one million phase-detecting type multi-directional photodiodes encompass all areas of the sensor. So, autofocusing instantly conveys sharper images irrespective of the lighting conditions.
  • Samsung’s proprietary pixel technology applies Front Deep Trench Isolation (FDTI) (applied on a Dual Pixel product for the first time in the industry).
  • Although the photodiode size is microscopic, FDTI allows every photodiode to absorb and embrace more light information. So, it improves the full-well capacity (FWC) of photodiodes and reduces crosstalk in the pixel.

Comparison of Samsung ISOCELL JN1 vs GN1 vs GN5:

Sensor TechnologyTetrapixel technologyDual Pixel technologyDual Pixel Pro technology
Resolution50 MP50 MP50 MP
Pixel size0.64 μm1.2 μm1.0μm
Color filterTetrapixel RGB Bayer PatternDual Tetrapixel RGB Bayer PatternDual Tetrapixel RGB Bayer Pattern
Optical format1/2.76″1/1.31″1/1.57″
Normal frame rate10 fps @50 MP modeUp to 24 fps @full 50 MPUp to 27 fps @ full 50 MP
Video frame rate30 fps @12.5 MP, 60 fps @4K, 240 fps @FHD240 fps @1080p (w/AF), 400 fps @1080p (w/o AF)30 fps @8K, 120 fps @4K, 240 fps @FHD
Shutter typeElectronic rolling shutter and global resetElectronic rolling shutter and global resetElectronic rolling shutter and global reset
ADC accuracy10-bits10-bits10 bits
Interface4 lanes (2.15 Gbps per lane)4 lanes (4.5Gbps per lane) D-PHY / 3 lanes (3Gsps per lane) C-PHY4 lanes (2.5Gbps per lane) D-PHY / 3 trios (3.5Gsps per trio) C-PHY
AutofocusDouble Super PD (PDAF)Dual-PD (PDAF)Dual Pixel Pro (PDAF)
Output formatsRAW10RAW8 (using DPCM/PCM compression), RAW10RAW8/10/12
Operating temperature-20℃ to +85℃-20℃ to +85℃-20℃ to +85℃
Supply Voltage2.8V for analog, 1.8V for I/O, and 1.05V for digital core supply2.8V for analog, 1.8V for I/O, and 1.05V for digital core supply2.2V for analog, 1.8V for I/O, and 0.92V for digital core supply
Analog gainx16x64 @12.5Mp (4in 1), x16@Full capturex64 @12.5MP (4in1) and x16 @full capture
WDRInter-scene DCG3D/Tetra HDRSmart-ISO Pro (iDCG), Staggered HDR

Concluding Note:

The ISOCELL JN1 sensor can be considered when you want fine details, vivid colors, and excellent light sensitivity in the captured images and videos.When it comes to reduced noise, perfect color reproduction, and decent light sensitivity irrespective of the light condition, you can consider ISOCELL GN1.The ISOCELL GN5 offers fast, accurate autofocus. It helps you capture lifelike images and videos of steady and fast-moving objects.

Comparing ISOCELL GN5 vs OmniVision OV50A – Specs & Differences

As per Samsung, the ISOCELL GN5 is prevalent as the world’s first 1.0μm image sensor that combines an all-directional autofocusing technology and Dual Pixel Pro technology.
This combination boosts autofocusing capabilities.
The latest 50 MP OV50A smartphone sensor from OmniVision guarantees you ‘DSLR level’ phase detection autofocus performance. It offers 100% phase detection autofocus (PDAF) coverage.
Also Read: Samsung ISOCELL HM3 vs HM2
There are some similarities between the ISOCELL GN5 and OmniVision’s OV50A sensors. However, there are specific noteworthy differences as well. Let’s first look at the details of each of these sensors and then carry out its comparison:


Implemented with the Dual Pixel Pro technology, the ISOCELL GN5 sensor preserves all details of your memories. With speedier, more accurate autofocus, the smartphones equipped with this sensor let you effortlessly create blur-free and detailed images of swift-moving objects. With its high-resolution capabilities, all scenes you shoot with this sensor will be lifelike and detailed.With the help of intelligent ISO technology and the power of Tetrapixel, this sensor can generate precise and crisp shots even in poorly lit light environments. The smartphones with this sensor help you transform your remembrances into cinematic videos.With the support for 8K video recording @ 30 fps and 4K videos @ 120 fps, this sensor contains all the necessary features required to record and preserve your precious moments.
Samsung Galaxy S22 and S22+ will be equipped with this image sensor.

OmniVision’s OV50A:

This image sensor from OmniVision is perfect for PC multimedia, smartphones, and video conferencing devices. It is designed with the help of OmniVision’s PureCel Plus-S stacked die technology. It supports 50 MP resolution through one-micron pixel size, on-chip remosaic quad phase detection (QPD) autofocus, and selective conversion gain.One of the most significant selling points for mobile phones is camera performance. A smartphone with excellent camera performance can compete with DSLR cameras, making the gap smaller. The QDP autofocus technology implemented in this sensor makes the gap even smaller with the DSLR level autofocus performance.OmniVision also boasts the low-light performance of the sensor as the best-in-class through the unique blend of massive 1.0-micron pixel size, high conversion gain mode, selective conversion gain’s low-noise, and the giant 1/1.5″ optical format.The QPD autofocus technology facilitates the 2×2 phase detection autofocus (PDAF) all over the image array of the sensor. Consequently, it provides 100% coverage. Contrasting the microlens and half-shield PDAF technologies that can merely capture 3-6% of the phase-detection data, the QPD autofocus technology captures 100% of this data.As a result, it provides enhanced distance calculation, better low-light performance, and faster autofocus.With the help of a QPD color filter array and hardware remosaic, this sensor offers excellent autofocus performance and superior quality, 50 MP Bayer output or 8K video in real-time.With the use of near-pixel binning, this sensor delivers a 12.5 MP image output for a 4K2K video (4096 × 2304). So, the sensitivity increases by four folds, leading to camera performance analogous to 2.0-micron pixel size for video and preview.With QPD autofocus, the output format includes 50 MP or 8K video at 30 fps, 12.5 MP (supports 2x digital crop zoom) at 60 fps, 4K2K video at 90 fps, 1080p at 240 fps, and 720p at 480 fps. These options can be delivered as output at up to 3.5 Gbps per trio. This output is provided via the CPHY MIPI interface of the sensor. The lens chief ray angle is 36.24° linear.

List of smartphones equipped with OmniVision OV50A sensor:

  • Motorola Edge X30 (8 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM / 8 GB RAM, 256 GB ROM/ 12 GB RAM, 256 GB ROM)
  • Huawei P50 (8 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM/ 8 GB RAM, 256 GB ROM)
  • Huawei P50 Pro (8 GB RAM, 128 GB ROM/ 8 GB RAM, 256 GB ROM/ 8 GB RAM, 512 GB ROM/ 8 GB RAM, 256 GB ROM/ 8 GB RAM, 512 GB ROM/ 12 GB RAM, 512 GB ROM)

Comparison of ISOCELL GN5 vs OmniVision OV50A – Specs & Differences:



OmniVision’s OV50A

Sensor TechnologyDual Pixel Pro technologyQPD PureCel®Plus-S HDR
Resolution50 MP50 MP
Pixel size1.0μm1.008 µm
Pixel typeISOCELL 2.0Four diagonally paired pixels
Color filterDual Tetrapixel RGB Bayer PatternQPD color filter array
Optical format1/1.57″1/1.55″
Normal frame rateUp to 27fps @full 50MPUp to 30 fps@ full 50 MP
Video frame rate30fps @8K, 120fps @4K, 240fps @FHD30fps @8K, 90fps @4K, 240fps @FHD, 720p @ 480 fps
Shutter typeElectronic rolling shutter and global resetRolling shutter
ADC accuracy10 bits10 bits
Interface4 lanes (2.5Gbps per lane) D-PHY / 3 trios (3.5Gsps per trio) C-PHYSCCB MIPI
AutofocusDual Pixel Pro (PDAF)QPD autofocus technology
Output formatsRAW8/10/12RAW
Operating temperature-20 to +85-30°C to +85°C

Concluding Note:

The ISOCELL GN5 sensor is a decent choice for blur-free detailed image and video output with accurate autofocus. For faster autofocus, low-light performance, 100% coverage, and excellent image sensitivity, OmniVision’s OV50A is a decent choice.

Canon DGO Sensor – Which Models support it? Features and Specs

Canon Inc, a Japanese multinational specializes in optical, imaging, and industrial products, such as camera lenses, DSLRs, medical equipment, optical scanners, printers, and semi-conductor manufacturing equipment.Canon is not a company that shies away from exploring and experimenting with new-age technology. One such case in point should be the Dual Gain Output image sensor or the DGO image sensor launched with the C70 and other cinema cameras. Wondering what the new technology is all about? Let us explore the concept in finer detail.The new technology – abbreviated DGO by Canon, was launched with the EOS C300 Mark III. The technology is relatively new and now is the time would explore the working of this technology and find how it improves your shooting experience. The technology has now been introduced on the Canon C70.For those wondering what all the fuss about the Dual Gain Output Image sensor is, Canon has published a white paper that should help you understand the technical aspets.

The Super 35mm 4K Image Sensor ensures high-quality HDR imaging.

The Canon Cinema EOS (Cinema Electro-Optical System) autofocus digital photographic and cinematographic SLR and mirrorless switchable lens camera system was presented in late 2011 with the Canon EOS C300 and followed by the Canon EOS C500 and Canon EOS 1D C in 2012.At the same time, the 35 mm format has been what has remained a strong option in moviemaking. Canon found the right combination of the two, and that is where the new digital cinematography lens-camera systems made an appearance.Canon has gained years of experience in the Cinema EOS system of lenses, making them come with the new range of Dual Gain Output sensors.The full-frame EOS C500 Mark II improved the Modularity, convertibility, and connectivity of the camera, making it one of the most unique options. The EOS C300 Mark III camera was further brought ahead of the technology.The EOS C300 Mark III camera is almost identical to the EOS C500 Mark II. Still, it introduces the best performance with the new Super 35mm CMOS image sensor developed by Canon – the Dual Gain Output (DGO) sensor.You would find the sensor taking ahead of the best features available on the CMOS sensors. The white paper also mentions the 15-stop dynamic range of the recent Cinema EOS cameras, which has been extended to 16 stops system in the latest EOS C300 Mark III camera.

The Dual Gain Output Sensor – An overview

Image Source: Canon

Canon introduced the first Cinema EOS camera in 2011, and the technology has grown manifold. The first Cinema camera was based on Canon-developed 4K single CMOS image sensor with a Bayer color filter array, and the camera that introduced the concept was the EOS C300.The sensor’s design strategy focused much on High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging. The sensor has 8-megapixel photosites utilizing two separate photodiodes designed to speed up the capture of the electrons. This effectively improves the effective dynamic range of the photosite.
The way the dual gain output sensor is achieving its 16 plus stops of total dynamic range is by reading out each photodiode.
The design of the photosites has been retained all through all the Cinema EOS cameras. This includes the 4K Super 35mm and the 5.9K full-frame systems.The new sensor developed for the EOS C300 Mark III camera has other technology. First, you would have an extended dynamic range. You would find an analog amplifier within each of the multiple-column readout circuitries.Since it is a narrow bandwidth amplifier, you would find it has a very negligible inherent noise. This will help enhance the electronic signal above the noise sources, and thus you get a better signal-to-noise advantage.
Canon states that the most dynamic range (16+ stops) can be accomplished when shooting at 800 ISO in Canon Log 2. If you shoot in Canon Log 3 then the dynamic range falls to 14 stops.
The DGO or Dual Gain Output sensor applies two distinct gain level settings to each photodiode signal output. This is further followed by exposure adjustment. The blend of the two signals will thus produce a final signal output with fully protected highlights, and noise enhanced lower region.

What new technologies lie under the 4K Super 35mm Image Sensor Dual Gain Output (DGO) Image Sensor?

The sensor is being deployed for an enhanced and improved new 4K cinematography camera technology. It utilizes two photodiodes that are deployed in a very strategic manner.Each of the photodiodes can have the ability to expand the dynamic range efficiently, and the additional processing adds up to a further extension. This goes a long way in further promoting the dynamic range. This explains why the technology is called the Dual Gain Output (DGO) system.

Saturation prioritization

As seen in the case of the above image, you would find the noise sources positioned on either side of the column amplifier. The column amplifier has a very narrow bandwidth. This will ensure that it does not have any thermal noise.As indicated in the image above, the total noise output is called Saturation prioritizing gain setting. In addition, an attempt is made on the sensor to recover the digital representation of the full dynamic range signal output from the image sensor.

Noise Prioritisation

The image above indicates the final noise output with the two sequential signal level adjustments. You would notice an elevation of the column amplifier to a high gain setting xG.Attenuation of signal and noise follows this by a factor of xG in the digital domain. You will find that the noise sources are not amplified.That would mean you will find that high gain elevation allows the signal to effectively “step over” the N2 noise sources. This phenomenon is termed as noise prioritizing gain setting.

How are Dual Gain Settings implemented on Each Photodiode Output?

The signals are sampled row by row in parallel column readout architectures when using the sensor. This is clearly shown in the following image.

The image would not need any further explanation. You would find that the process of dual gain is achieved through a time-multiplexed sequence.The two signals are observed to move through the analog to digital conversion. This is done along with the exposure adjustment process. This will produce a replica of the input signal with higher signal-to-noise performance.The final output would be the best HDR product of the Dual Gain Output (DGO) process. That way, you would find that all your highlights are detailed, but there is a considerable noise lowering.That would mean you would get access to better HDR performance even in the darker scenes. It can also effectively minimize the visibility of those low-level readout artifacts.

The Concluding Thoughts

Canon has had a great experience in n HDR motion imaging. With that background knowledge, it has applied high-end technology by extending the exposure latitude in both regions above and below the reference 18% grey exposure.