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Comparing DOL-HDR vs HDR vs Dolby Vision – Specs & Features

DOL-HDR vs HDR vs Dolby Vision

DOL-HDR, HDR, and Dolby Vision are high-dynamic range (HDR) imaging types. HDR imaging captures and displays images with a broader range of brightness and colors than standard dynamic range (SDR) imaging. This can make images look more realistic and immersive.

Comparison table of SDR, HDR, and Dolby Vision:

Feature SDR HDR Dolby Vision
Dynamic range Limited Wide Wider
Color gamut sRGB DCI-P3 Rec. 2020
Bit depth 8-bit 10-bit 12-bit
Metadata Static Static or dynamic Dynamic
Compatibility Widespread Limited Widening
Price Affordable More expensive Most expensive


SDR stands for Standard Dynamic Range. It is the most common type of video format, and it is what most people are used to seeing. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range. It offers a broader range of colors and brightness than SDR, making images look more realistic and immersive. Dolby Vision is a type of HDR that offers an even wider color gamut and brightness than HDR. It is also more dynamic, which can adjust the image’s brightness and contrast scene by scene.

HDR and Dolby Vision offer several benefits over SDR, including:

However, HDR and Dolby Vision also require more powerful hardware to display correctly. Most TVs and monitors do not support HDR or Dolby Vision, and even those that do may be unable to display it at its full potential.

These three technologies offer improved image quality over standard dynamic range (SDR) imaging. However, there are some key differences between them.

The best type of HDR imaging for you will depend on your budget and needs. Dolby Vision is the way to go if you want the best image quality.

However, if you are on a budget or your hardware does not support Dolby Vision, then HDR is a good option. And if you are on a tight budget and your hardware does not support HDR, then DOL-HDR is a good choice.

Some of the most popular DOL-HDR hardware sensors include:

These sensors offer a wide range of features and benefits, including:

Here are some additional information about these technologies:

Dolby Vision is the way to go if you want the best image quality. However, if you are on a budget or your hardware does not support Dolby Vision, then HDR is a good option. And if you are on a tight budget and your hardware does not support HDR, then DOL-HDR is a good choice.

Comparison: DOL-HDR vs HDR vs Dolby Vision

Here is a comparison of DOL-HDR, HDR, and Dolby Vision:

Feature DOL-HDR HDR Dolby Vision
Dynamic range Wide Wider Widest
Color gamut Wide Wider Widest
Bit depth 10-bit 10-bit 12-bit
Metadata Static Static or dynamic Dynamic
Compatibility Limited Widespread Widening
Price Affordable More expensive Most expensive


DOL-HDR, HDR, and Dolby Vision are all types of HDR imaging that can offer improved image quality over standard dynamic range (SDR) imaging. Dolby Vision offers the widest range of colors and brightness and is more dynamic than HDR. However, it is also the most expensive option. HDR is a good middle ground between DOL-HDR and Dolby Vision and is more widely compatible. DOL-HDR is the most affordable option but offers the narrowest range of colors and brightness.

The best type of HDR imaging for you will depend on your budget and needs. Dolby Vision is the way to go if you want the best image quality. However, if you are on a budget or your hardware does not support Dolby Vision, then HDR is a good option. And if you are on a tight budget and your hardware does not support HDR, then DOL-HDR is a good choice.

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